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Romxnce · 22-25, F
Depending on the occasion 10-30 mins

30 mins to an hour. The more I rush the bigger mess I make and then it takes longer.

But usually doesn't matter where I go I'm always late.
Montanaman · M
@SW-User yeah, but you look good!💕
@Montanaman lol thank you
Montanaman · M
@SW-User Always 🌹
PrivatePeeks · 26-30, F
Not long. I don't bother dressing.
Montanaman · M
@PrivatePeeks you added to your username 😝👍💕
PrivatePeeks · 26-30, F
@Montanaman On second thought it now sounds like a dirty invitation.
Montanaman · M
@PrivatePeeks This!😝
xixgun · M
5 minutes, 10 with a shower, 15 if I have to shave
45 minutes if I have to wait on my wife.
@xixgun 😂
xixgun · M
@Somewhereovertherainbow I’d laugh too if it wasn’t true
@xixgun I'm not laughing cause I think it's a joke, I'm laughing cause I'm the same way 😂
Montanaman · M
Most cases, 5 minutes... but for some reason, I'm always the last one out the door.🤷
Lostpoet · M
Probably a half hour.
@SW-User damn...get a room you two
@SW-User 🥰
Lostpoet · M
@SW-User 👱🏻👩🚿=👶
TexChik · F
Depends on what Im starting with. Freshly washed hair...needing to be dried, 1.5 hours. Just change and touch up, 45 mins
Daily about 40 min

If it's something special about 2, 3 hours.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
30-35 if I rush. 45 minutes if I take my time. All day if I have no energy.
About a hour would take longer but my dad rushes me around too much
To go where?
@BeefySenpie lol. What do you do to be ready in 15 minutes?? P.s. that's about how much time I take.
@SW-User Well I can easily just take a shower for 10 because showers are bloody amazing. That leaves 5 to dry off, dress, and grab wallet and keys
@BeefySenpie shower time is the best time
NiftyWhite · 46-50, F
to go to work? half hour. to go out? maybe an hour
Danez · M
Ready for what?
@Danez you look familiar
Danez · M
@SW-User really? Like who? Is it the nose?
abooklover · 56-60, F
About 30 minutes depending on if I wash my hair.
Depends on what for... To go to bed, a few seconds. To die... 46 years and counting so far.
11knaves11 · 46-50, M
Depends where I'm going
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
To go to work.10 minutes
Syktur · 26-30, M
About an hour
wackidywack · 26-30
I need an hour
Spumoni · 46-50, M
Five minutes

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