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How long does it take you to get ready?

30 mins to an hour. The more I rush the bigger mess I make and then it takes longer.

But usually doesn't matter where I go I'm always late.
Montanaman · M
@SW-User yeah, but you look good!💕
@Montanaman lol thank you
Montanaman · M
@SW-User Always 🌹
PrivatePeeks · 26-30, F
Not long. I don't bother dressing.
Montanaman · M
@PrivatePeeks you added to your username 😝👍💕
PrivatePeeks · 26-30, F
@Montanaman On second thought it now sounds like a dirty invitation.
Montanaman · M
@PrivatePeeks This!😝
xixgun · M
5 minutes, 10 with a shower, 15 if I have to shave
45 minutes if I have to wait on my wife.
@xixgun 😂
xixgun · M
@Somewhereovertherainbow I’d laugh too if it wasn’t true
@xixgun I'm not laughing cause I think it's a joke, I'm laughing cause I'm the same way 😂
Montanaman · M
Most cases, 5 minutes... but for some reason, I'm always the last one out the door.🤷
TexChik · F
Depends on what Im starting with. Freshly washed hair...needing to be dried, 1.5 hours. Just change and touch up, 45 mins
Lostpoet · M
Probably a half hour.
@SW-User damn...get a room you two
@SW-User 🥰
Lostpoet · M
@SW-User 👱🏻👩🚿=👶
Depends on what for... To go to bed, a few seconds. To die... 46 years and counting so far.
Daily about 40 min

If it's something special about 2, 3 hours.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
30-35 if I rush. 45 minutes if I take my time. All day if I have no energy.
About a hour would take longer but my dad rushes me around too much
Romxnce · 22-25, F
Depending on the occasion 10-30 mins
To go where?
@BeefySenpie lol. What do you do to be ready in 15 minutes?? P.s. that's about how much time I take.
@SW-User Well I can easily just take a shower for 10 because showers are bloody amazing. That leaves 5 to dry off, dress, and grab wallet and keys
@BeefySenpie shower time is the best time
NiftyWhite · 46-50, F
to go to work? half hour. to go out? maybe an hour
abooklover · 56-60, F
About 30 minutes depending on if I wash my hair.
Danez · M
Ready for what?
@Danez you look familiar
Danez · M
@SW-User really? Like who? Is it the nose?
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
To go to work.10 minutes
11knaves11 · 41-45, M
Depends where I'm going
Syktur · 26-30, M
About an hour
Spumoni · 46-50, M
Five minutes
wackidywack · 22-25
I need an hour

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