es0tericus · 26-30
I fantasize that they're geniuses out to mock us.
SaxonAZ · 51-55, M
I think most of them are sellouts. They railed against "the system " until they became the system.
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Did you say hippies man? There ain’t been no hippies around here in centuries man. They all either freeze dried or doin hard time.
Mamapolo2016 · F
Are we talking about hippies or ex-hippies? The hippies I knew couldn't organize a closet.
nudistsurfer · 36-40, M
hippies gone or hippies today, still the same@Mamapolo2016
Mamapolo2016 · F
The hippie mantra was turn on, tune in, and drop out. They did that in droves but soon learned that self-sufficiency wasn't for every body. Then they went back to society. I don't know about today. @nudistsurfer