ChatterinSeuss · 61-69, M
Because innovation has taken it away from us. People text more than they talk on a phone. People communicate via typing as we do here. I sat on a train a few mornings ago and watched 9 out of 10 people were too busy with their phones glued to their hands. I did not see anyone having a conversation. I grew up taking trains and buses in NYC and people would talk. Men would rap to women and so on. I don't see that anymore. we have evolved backwards.
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Dateless · 31-35, M
@ChatterinSeuss "We are DEVO....D-E-V-O."
@ChatterinSeuss Talking on a cell phone on a train or bus is a major social faux pas in Japan if not literally against the law. I love Japanese culture!
GlassDog · 46-50, M
I think interacting with computers and particularly those applications that make it easy for us to signal our requests without using human communication is to the detriment of human communication.
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
Stranger danger..
we got it wrong.
Now everyone’s paranoid of each other
we got it wrong.
Now everyone’s paranoid of each other
xTutu7x · F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout How are you by the way? Long time no see.
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
Yeah it’s confusing innit. Commercialism sell us beauty and popularity. The current social climate slaps down beauty and popularity.. 6 year olds can access porn on devices but heaven forbid if you lust after women.. lolz
Im good btw..
you keeping well?
Im good btw..
you keeping well?
xTutu7x · F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout I'm doing okay. Up and down in this thing called life.

Teach us.
xTutu7x · F
@SW-User I'm not the best at it, but I try. I'm thinking of writing a book.

@xTutu7x I would read it.
Existentior · M
It's because they lack the practice for it. For example, I stopped talking to people years ago and now when I find myself having to talk to people, I turn into a complete Neanderthal. It's really weird, I have everything perfectly and eloquently thought out in my head but nothing sensible or comprehensible comes out when I move my lips.
xTutu7x · F
@Existentior Makes sense. Have you continued practicing?
Existentior · M
@xTutu7x Bah, sadly I haven't. People annoy me too much.. and more often than not I get into conflicts with people.
xTutu7x · F
@Existentior I understand. People annoy me too, but I can tolerate them.
nem16 · 36-40, M
I do,I'm just selective to whom I communicate to and with.
Tubbs · F
I have social anxiety disorder.
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Sure, like when the how for take fall grip motive, and plenty shells price grit sniffles chum! Forebear seeming grid meter for input cancel cat peach! Worm travel on bit worth dirt markets everywhere!
xTutu7x · F
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SheElf · 22-25, F
The educational system no longer teaches by rote.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
Because all we do is type now.
redredred · M
people don't do anything effectively anymore
zeeva70 · F
Communication is subjective.
zeeva70 · F
@xTutu7x There are many modes of communication, generations, cultures, points of view, and evironmental factors. Overlay all that, and you have - well, what we have now.
Communication is a two way street.
E-mail or texting is a small example. There are plenty of people who believe they've actually communicated effectively once they've hit that send button. However, they haven't and sometimes damage relationships. Often an actual conversation is necessay to effectively communicate either on the phone or get this, IN PERSON. Nowadays, it seems that these are old fashion values.
I could go on and on about this but this is enough for now.
Communication is a two way street.
E-mail or texting is a small example. There are plenty of people who believe they've actually communicated effectively once they've hit that send button. However, they haven't and sometimes damage relationships. Often an actual conversation is necessay to effectively communicate either on the phone or get this, IN PERSON. Nowadays, it seems that these are old fashion values.
I could go on and on about this but this is enough for now.
PhoenixPhail · M
Critical thinking is discouraged. People are being intentionally dumbed-down through the public school system, electronic communications and the media.
Dateless · 31-35, M
You ever thought to yourself
“Maybe I’m just a complacent bitch”
“Maybe I’m just a complacent bitch”
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
diggidooo diggilaay you seem really gay