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Are there any religions that are inherently racist?

OffendingThoughts · 26-30, F
Hinduism is the most racist religion on earth.
All because of the holy caste system, which is actually illegal.
But religion is above the law they say..
main castes
1.brahmin (priest class pure blooded and should keep religion alive)
2.kshatriya (Warrior class born as military men)
3.vaishya (business class money makers and who fund the warriors empire and should Donate to the brahmins on auspicious occasions)
4 shudra lower caste( it does all the basic jobs and most people are dark skinned and bigger in population)
5... untouchable (lowliest form of life born (because karma) to clean toilets and do all the dirty stuff, lives out side villages and does labour work (most of the population in this caste has African blood hence impure to touch ))
Untouchables and shudras are denied basic human rights and education.

slavery is bad but castes are horrible
Bearserks · 31-35, M
@OffendingThoughts at no point does this mention race...
OffendingThoughts · 26-30, F
You need to understand this like,
If a African Black guy converts to Hindu religion he'll be given a lower caste while a white will be given a higher caste of kshatriya.
There is white supremacy church...can't remember the name of it.
Bearserks · 31-35, M
@Bearserks Some groups had the title, “The Christian Knights of The Ku Klux Klan”.
Bearserks · 31-35, M
@bijouxbroussard well... cloth armor wasn’t their first failing
Mormonism used to have official racist policies; they've since changed them.

Religions are sometimes used to justify racism (like the "curse of Canaan" story), but I don't know of any that actually teach racism as part of their belief system.
sweetiepoo · 36-40, F
I've heard Black Hebrew Israelites were inherently racists towards whites.
@sweetiepoo That’s a bunch of made-up weirdness, like the Mormons.
sweetiepoo · 36-40, F
@bijouxbroussard Oh yeah, what they believe in is ridiculous. Most of their beliefs don't add up with the bible at all.
Bearserks · 31-35, M
@sweetiepoo oh I thought he was taking the piss out of me 😅 takes all kinds I suppose
21stCenturyFox · 26-30, F
Mormonism. God is said to assign skin color according to whom he will come to like or hate. If you're white you're in. If you're black your chances are slim.
Bearserks · 31-35, M
@21stCenturyFox can you back this up?
21stCenturyFox · 26-30, F
@Bearserks They keep changing their story. They also claim that American Indians are a lost tribe of Jews. And now they claim you become a god over your own personal planet.
Bearserks · 31-35, M
@21stCenturyFox this sounds very similar to Scientology 😒
millennialgrandpa · 31-35, M
Any fundamentalist religion
Mormons are, to some extent. They had a “revelation” sometime in the 70s where they started allowing black men in priesthood, but they still think the reason that we have dark skin is because we’re cursed. 🙄
Bearserks · 31-35, M
@bijouxbroussard that’s what this other girl is saying too me I’ve never heard of that! You can’t win them all... but you can win the ones that matter as the old native adieg goes... fuck ehm!
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Bearserks · 31-35, M
@msros *should preach love and not racism

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