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Has social media or an experience on a platform changed you?

I am starting to see a change in my behavior. The way I think is also changing. First 3 positives from the use of social media.
1. I learned young people under 25 are smarter, more polite than I once thought. They have unique ideas and can have a deep conversation about anything.
2. I have spoken to people around the world and learned so much from them.
3. I have started a few extremely meaningful and deep relationships with people from social media.

A few of the negatives and I am just being honest.
1. I am disappointed with the lack of class that I see in some people.
2. I have learned that fake people come in all shapes sizes and cross all demographics.
3. I have learned that some people have forgotten basic human courtesies. The moral compass and fabric of our cultures are eroding.

Please share with me your thoughts. Have a great day and thank you for reading this post.
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helenS · 36-40, F
I have mainly learned that the "fake" category doesn't make much sense on here. To me it's not important whether a person on here is "fake" or not. I consider SW, and similar platforms, to be theaters, and that's what makes them interesting. When I see a stage play I don't think "Hey this guy is fake, he isn't really Hamlet!".
Capt11 · 51-55, M
@helenS First thank you for taking the time to respond. Your opinion is unique however I do not agree. You took a great deal of time to set up your profile. You explained things about yourself that are personal. Why put in the effort to not be genuine and sincere? Honestly if someone is looking at it as theater I would respect them more if they stated it up front. That is just how I feel and what I think. That is just how I feel and what I think I hope you have a great day.
Bebop · 31-35, M
I agree with no. 3 regarding the negatives completely. I think there's so many factors intwined with this that it's too much to discuss in one conversation, but one is certainly the disconnect there is when talking online.

I will say i think it comes down to lack of personal integrity and character foremost, but once people get used to being rude to people with no consequence or visable feedback they re-enforce those pathways in their brains and live in this almost false reality.
Capt11 · 51-55, M
@Bebop You are correct this is a hard subject to cover in one conversation. I appreciate you taking the time to share your point of view. I always respect someone who is willing to put meaningful thought to words. Have a great day and I am sure I will send you a follow up reply,if that is ok.
Bebop · 31-35, M
@Capt11 Likewise to you bud, more than okay!. Have a good'un
rckt148 · 61-69, M
I feel it is sad that the actions of the few effect the way we see the mass's
A few cops shoot someone and they all get a bad rap for example ,
Some kids are kids and rebel and do stupid things and say stupid things but we cant put that on all of them ,and we forget we were young and arrogant and disrespectful at times too
I see a trend of no respect for those who defend our freedom (in the USA)
They are now taught in school ,we were only mindless zombies that just kill to kill and now especially Vietnam Vets are cry babies ,,,(nothing further from the truth )
I see a common thing now days I have to earn your respect as opposed to show everyone respect ,unless they do something that proves they are not worthy of it ,and to many love to hide behind a screen of all ages and talk trash they would not dare do with someone like me face to face ,(though I am not near as dangerous as I look ,but the scars on my body do or should show ,,I am not afraid of pain .
But on this site ,unlike EP ,,Admin does work harder to protect its members
paid for accounts and free alike
We have features here and filters that make it a safer site than most
and there are a lot of awesome people here of all ages ..
A little kindness and respect goes a long way ..
I am someone that loves to talk with people (though most will never know I am actually shy ,the old voices in my head still try to creep in ,saying no one wants to listen to you stupid ,but the actual response shows thats not true )
But it is hard for me to explain myself with out writing a book
Not everyone knows I am disabled ,and in pain most of the time
they have no clue about my back ground and all the things my family and I have done for the betterment of our fellow man ,
They have no clue many of all ages come to me to "Pick my brain " or get advice ,or how much my family loves me ,or how much I love God and praise Him for my ability to walk ,and the awesome family He has given me
All many see is that my grammar sucks ,I am an old man ,and I am blunt sometimes .
So I am still working one ways to express myself so I don't come off as a know it all bragger ,,,to God be the glory for all I am
and how to do it without writing such long posts ,,,I try to explain my view and state its just my opinion as to not offend anyone by mistake ,
But I am a man that stands for something ,,so I know I can't please everyone
But I am glad you are gaining something from SW ,,I love it too
As I share I and open up about myself ,,I also see things about me
things I want to improve ,,then my mistakes were just part of the learning curve ,,not just a screw up ,,I see you sent me a PM ,,,I hope its good
Well I will see only one person I have tried to offend today and you are not him ,,LOL
Have a good one ,,Let me check out and see what your message is 🤝
Capt11 · 51-55, M
@rckt148 I want to be completely transparent you and I have a relationship more than just responding to a post. Most people do not know that you helped me with my home repair of dry wall. I sent you several pictures and you gave me advice. We have also spoken about other things that I will not mention on here publicly.

Now let me respond to your post today. I agree with most of what you said. However I think we can only go by what we experience. You are correct I think the police along with the military are not treated the way that they should be. You know I served my country as you. I am amazed at how many people that never had the heart or the courage to stand up and serve, always seem to have the energy to "express" themselves. I know we both have scars some that are more visible than others. It is unfortunate that people judge however I will share this with you because of you I am able to be me. Your effort and your example was something that I learned from. You built the bridge of legacy and honor that I added my bricks to as well. May God-bless you and your family.

As for the old know-it-all I never got that from you nor did I think you were shy. If you did not have the experiences that you had where would we be. I am glad that you took some time to share with a complete stranger who probly has nothing more in common with you then the love of our God,country and our flag. This is an example of a positive from social media thank you.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Capt11 ❤️😢 ,,I am humbled ,,a rare occasion I don't know what to say ,
except much love and thank you for your kindness
I think mine are similar.

I'd add to the positives for me finding people who have similar interests or health issues which would be difficult to find locally.

To the negatives that social media is on the internet the greatest learning resource mankind has ever created it is therefore a massive shame some people appear so ignorant and haven't appeared to have researched things and then dismiss those who do research and provide verified evidence.
@Capt11 sadly it's a chronic progressive issue so it's not really getting better but whilst debilitating it ain't going to kill me.
Capt11 · 51-55, M
I am curious do you remember what you 1st went on the Internet for?
@Capt11 blimey. So years ago my company got interested as the internet started... Netscape navigator and alta vista. Then I tried to re skin some terminal only apps on a vax to allow us more ease in using them... it failed but I learnt so much then. So at home I fired up a modem and opera mostly to look up research. Then I found Amazon and then all the alt forums etc. Long time ago now

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