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Johnjo · 70-79, M
Don't have one

ronisme1 · 61-69, M
I love your groups. Would you like to chat about some of them?
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
Then you do as you would normally do then
@ronisme1 I could, but he doesn’t like it when I swear.
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
@Looking haha
CheshireCatalyst · 36-40, M
*points at self*

"Is this guy bothering you?"
@CheshireCatalyst Yes, he is!
CheshireCatalyst · 36-40, M
@Looking then it's perfect. I know straight away if I'm not wanted without making it awkward for anyone but me :)
@CheshireCatalyst Is that how banter works where you come from?
This one gets them every time. We have a lot of women that walk dogs around my neighborhood and a lot of the dogs will come up to me and I'll see if its a boy or a girl and when i see its a boy I pet I him and say "wow she is sooo gorgeous!" The lady will always correct you and say 'oh hes a boy!' Ill then say 'oh im sorry, I was talking to him!' And they just blush and grin after they catch what i said _😂
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@Kingfish28 Joey?!
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@dunpender Your wife is one lucky lady.
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omg i mean just how ? Lol I’d be rubbish at it - fact. 😂

Ok I’ll try!


Me ; “Wish me luck ?”

Person; “what for?”

Me ; “Because I’m falling for you and I don’t know if I’m gonna land well”

😂 omg that’s shit haha!!!
@SW-User I can do that Roger Moore thing with my eyebrow.
Classic 🤓 lol 🥂 @Looking
@SW-User 😉
"Stay away creep!"
Usually doesn't go well...
@SW-User Strange that.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Don't have one too shy.
@Thevy29 When you look as cute as you do, you don’t need one.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Smooth talker. 👍@Looking
Pinto · 61-69, M
“Would you like a cookie?”
@Pinto That’s a brand?!
Pinto · 61-69, M
Yep. I’m not calling you a PET. At least not on the first chat @Looking
@Pinto Never heard of it.
Pinto · 61-69, M
It’s a local brand. Can’t beat local dairy farms. Goes good with cookies
@Pinto Local to?
Pinto · 61-69, M
North Carolina here. Where’s your local?@Looking
@Pinto My local dairy?
Nice tongue, wanna press it against mine?
@SW-User You know, I don’t really French kissing. Is that unusual?
@Looking No, neither do I
@SW-User With some people, it feels like they’re trying to eat you, and not in the good way.
Pinto · 61-69, M
Your local area. Or dairy. Whichever. 🤷‍♂️
@Pinto I’m in the land of Hogmanay.
Pinto · 61-69, M
Ah, then your 2020 has already started!!! Happy New year. 🍪🍦@Looking
@Pinto Happy New Year!
Stick your tongue down my throat?
@SW-User How could anyone resist?
@Looking exactly, you already have your tongue hanging
Where are we? What's going on?
@SW-User That would make me want to avoid you.
@Looking 👍
Smokey · 46-50, M
Do you like bacon?
@Smokey Yes.
Smokey · 46-50, M
@Looking that's all I have
@Smokey Lol
Pinto · 61-69, M
Local dairy. PET
@Pinto Huh? You calling me a cow?
wellsaid · 41-45, M
Hey ooking

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