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Would you do it?

If you were trying to find someone you use to talk to and realized they gave you their cell phone number 4 years ago, would you text it to see if it is still them?
Keaten · 36-40, M
Yes. I have done something like that before.
Keaten · 36-40, M
@IntrovertedEmpath It went well. Way better than I expected it to. We reconnected and got a long great! But you have to understand that the outcome of it does depend on that person and how they were.
IntrovertedEmpath · 31-35, F
Very good point...
Keaten · 36-40, M
@IntrovertedEmpath Don't get your hopes too high. If it has been four years, the number has probably changed a lot since then but still go for it. :)
Faust76 · 46-50, M
Don't be silly, none of us are still ourselves after 4 years. Even most of our cells recycle themselves in that time!
I have. But It honestly depends on how the friendship was before you stopped talking to them.... and tbh people can change a lot in 4 years.
bowman81 · M
Why not? I would, but be prepared to be disappointed if they don't wish to talk anymore.
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Just call, put on an accent and pretend to be a telemarketer
That's some horror movie shit.
IntrovertedEmpath · 31-35, F
@SINAI I guess it kind of is :/
I guess if I really wanted to find them, yes.
Yes. I would. Who knows where life has taken them.
Yes and have
IntrovertedEmpath · 31-35, F
@SW-User how did it go
@IntrovertedEmpath different person had the number! Whoops
IWasCallingYaLarry · 26-30, M
I did a few months ago with a childhood friend to try to make amends to her because we had a falling out in high school and didn't talk to each other for years since. I miss her. We made up recently but I wanna be her friend again and get to hang out again with her and everything.
abe182 · 46-50, M
Sure. Life is short.
xixgun · M
Depends on how much they owed me.
IntrovertedEmpath · 31-35, F
@xixgun they owe me nothing.

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