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What is the worst nightmare you've ever had?

I have a recurring nightmare where I'm stuck in a maze with a faceless man in a blue jumpsuit is chasing me with his arm reached out towards me. I always almost escape him then i come to a dead end and he walks up to me stammered try to catch his breath i guess but he doesn't have a face no nose nothing so i don't know but before he can get me every time i wake up...

If anyone could tell me what the hell it's about too that would be awesome. 😥
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I can't talk about my nightmares. Cuz they involve people from my life that are no longer living.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
@SW-User me too sometimes. It bites. Sending you the sandman in hopes he can help you sleep.
@Fungirlmmm thank you. I don't usually try to even sleep at night anymore cuz sometimes the dreams are so horrific. If I sleep in the daytime I don't usually have those dreams.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
@SW-User I used to sleep in the morning. It does help. *(big hugs)*
The worst i have had was a reoccurring one that lasted nearly three years. Every night it was the same, not images but just feelings. I felt that i was safe and loved then it was torn away. It might not sound much but i was a shivering mess when i woke up, usually around 3am and then couldn't get back to sleep. Only sleeping tablets would give me a night without this. This year though it's hardly occurred :)
If had quite a few vivid ones frequently for the last 7 years, I keep having this repeated one about being in WW1, also another one in an era that didn’t feel to far away, but not in the army, but civillians left to defend ourselves against black armoured outfits turning on civillians, in those dreams I died the same way, one sniper round to the shoulder, went to look to fire back and as I found and took aim, I saw my brains blow out the front of me, and I always woke up sweating every time.
Thetimetraveler · 41-45, M
I dont get nightmares anymore but i always have bizarre dreams
The little girl who was named Nightmare who looked like an evil me when I was a child still haunts me.
Dr3am · 31-35, F
@KayraJordyn woah now that's creepy.. 😬
I still scream in my sleep sometimes. God help the man who might end up with me.
Dr3am · 31-35, F
@KayraJordyn he will understand love. I do with my husband he just wakes me up and goes back to sleep. You will find someone who will love you enough to be there for you. ❤
NotJamieM · 46-50, M
I have this really creepy nightmare from time to time. I wake up in my bed (where I actually am, so it's more realistic). There's this disturbance in a corner of the room. It looks kinda electrical, like the air isn't right. I can sense its dangerous. But I need to confront it to protect everyone else... I approach it and just as I get there I jerk awake. And no more sleep the rest of that night...
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I met you irl
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