AlmostAnAngel · 100+, F
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JaneSerenity · 26-30, F
@AlmostAnAngel such a beauty is nowdays rare to find!
This message was deleted by its author.

I vote for FeetAreFantastic 🧐
hunkalove · 61-69, M
@SW-User He has eyes? I thought he just had feet!

@JaneSerenity Not a troll. Just having fun.
@SW-User here.. have a beer too 🍺
Newday · 26-30, F

Skilllickous · 51-55, M
@Newday so beautiful

@SW-User has beautiful eyes.
Usually I don't contribute to such posts but hers stand out.
Usually I don't contribute to such posts but hers stand out.
twistermind · 51-55, F
Eyes normally looks beautiful when they are contemplating something beautiful.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
B. and moonthesolitary.
Too shy..
JaneSerenity · 26-30, F
@YukikoAmagi too shy to post yours? Aww don't be eyes are beautiful no matter what :)

I may not have the most beautiful eyes, but they're the only beautiful thing about me xD
JaneSerenity · 26-30, F
@SW-User how about beautiful personality? 🤔

But a personality isn't a physical feature. But I really let people get to know me to judge my personality to begin with.
antonioio · 70-79, M
Theirs only one way to see ones eyes
That's close up in person
That's close up in person
I remember you! My eyes are ok I think ^_^

Sharky86 · 36-40, M
Mine of course. XD
[image/video deleted]
Sharky86 · 36-40, M
@YukikoAmagi 💚 so cute
Allabouttaboo · 36-40, M
olderguy2016 · 70-79, M
I have 😀
U do