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Do you fear the AI?

Hello, fellow people of the Similiar world, I hope whoever is reading this is doing well. Our technology is getting more advanced and thus more creation of artificial intelligence are being made along with it. Therefore, I would like to ask if anyone of you are worried about AI (Artificial Intelligence). So if you would like to answer one or all of the following question?
-Are you worried about AI?
- If you answered yes or no, then why (why are you worried or why are you not?)
- Do you understand how the current AI system are made?
- Do you understand the electrical circuit in the machines?

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Yes, it worries me, at least whrn I think about it, which is not often.

I worry about it because in human history, about a kazillion times, new inventions and technology were rushed into production and use without all (or any) of the ramifications being considered.

Mostly I worry about it because of an ethical question: Does the fact that something can be done automatically mean that it should be done?

Presently there's not a lot of immediate concern, and by the time it might be dangerous, it will no longer be any of my concern.

Both the most simple and the most complex human constructions develop glitches and malfunction. A part made of material just a little weaker than the other components, operator error, a design flaw.

I do not trust the scientific, political and manufacturing communities to make decisions that are based on anything but the real bottom line: power.
AllAboutTheFacts · 31-35, M
Thanks for your answer. I appreciate you came with clarification of why you feel that way. You may enjoy a quote from Richard Feynman:

"To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven. The same key opens the gates of hell..... And so it is with science.”

Best of wishes
@AllAboutTheFacts What concerns me is that while individuals can be cautious and thoughtful, a group of humans are eternally in a rush to get that funding, and keys obtained in that fashion rarely open the door to heaven.
AllAboutTheFacts · 31-35, M
Well, it is something to debate for sure.

Best of wishes
LadyGrace · 70-79
Not at all. Being a follower of Christ, I see no prophecy regarding robots taking over the world in the future, mentioned in God’s Word. It does, however, mention the Anti-Christ ruling in the last days, before Christ returns.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@AllAboutTheFacts I don’t believe AI will take over the world. I do think it won’t be long before the Anti-Christ makes his presence known.
AllAboutTheFacts · 31-35, M
Well, I suppose only time will tell.

Best of wishes
LadyGrace · 70-79
@AllAboutTheFacts Yes, I agree. No one can say exactly when, as only God the Father knows.

Best regards and wishes, as well.
twistermind · 51-55, F
No. I’m only worried about people who consider artificial intelligence, being intelligent. I think we give it too much credit.
AllAboutTheFacts · 31-35, M
Thank you for your answer. The amount of intelligence we should give it credit for is indeed debatable.

Best of wishes
ht1993 · 31-35, F
I don't fear it. I think it is fascinating.
AllAboutTheFacts · 31-35, M
@ht1993 Thank you for your answer. Understandable that you find it interesting.
Best of wishes
MougyWolf · 36-40, M
Not so much the AI, but how willingly people are to be always connected. If FB offers a shiny new toy that they could stick right in your brain, the masses would line up to receive it. That concerns me. That's not the type of future I want.
AllAboutTheFacts · 31-35, M
ank you for your answer. There is indeed a high demand of being linked to any sort of social media. Not sure if you are aware of the homepage called worldometers. However, if not I will link it here. Show some statistic over how many new people join the internet daily.

Best of wishes
Oleander · 31-35, F
Can't wait to hear the lamentation of the unemployed.
Robots will make for good social studies.
Especially since you humans get allergic spasms from the mere mention of them and they don't even exist yet.
AllAboutTheFacts · 31-35, M
Thank you for your answer. I am not sure if it was attentional but I found it a very humorous answer with the "you humans". So thank you for that.

Best of wishes
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
It's a necessary step in evolution where mankind may perish but universe may thrive.
AllAboutTheFacts · 31-35, M
Thank you for your answer. Well, it is arguable if the universe would even notice when we are gone. It is a rather big place, at least according to our collected evidence.

Best of luck.
GilesOfRome · 36-40, M
Every danger speculated about them is exaggerated and will in reality be manageable. I could easily come up with similar dangers for many technologies that exist right now that are ridiculous and never came to pass.
AllAboutTheFacts · 31-35, M
Thank you for your answer. It is most likely that a lot of things in the media and the internet is being exaggerated, least it is a valid argument.

Best of wishes
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Both fascinating and frightening as hell. Sort of like with nuclear power.
AllAboutTheFacts · 31-35, M
@Heartlander Thank you for your answer. I would at least agree that the Uranium power planets can be rather frightening. Thanks for your answer, best of wishes.


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