If that happens, you may have mild to moderate schizophrenia or some similar condition. I think you meant to ask, "What happens if none of what I think is real, is actually real?" "Is" is a tricky part of speech. Technically it is a " third person singular present of be" It often better to not end a sentence with "is", but not always. Schizophrenia is not the end of the world, and mild forms of it can be an asset for a 'creative' person. If you are experiencing any disassociation with reality, and an insecurity about what is 'real' and what is 'not', you should talk to someone professional, but please try and avoid 'medicine' as much as you can. Change your diet. Stop the processed sugar, food additives, empty carbs. Eat as much pure ginger and cayenne pepper and lemon juice as you can. Get plenty of sleep. Drink plenty of water. Write your feelings down in a notebook. Good luck and Godspeed.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
Num, num, num
Define "num".