I thought John Ritter was dead. 🤔
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LyricalOne · F
@Trucker334 Would be quite a comeback though.
Trucker334 · 46-50, M
@LyricalOne He looks even more like him in this show I’m talking about!
LyricalOne · F
@Trucker334 No way. Lay off the booze.

what is it about
Trucker334 · 46-50, M
High school girl who gets skinniy because a homeless man punched her in the face and broke her jaw. JOHN Ritter is a pageant coach who’s recently been accused of molestation and he gets the former fat girl to be is new pageant girl. It’s really funny. @SW-User

lmfaoooo it does sound funny, i’ll give it a try @Trucker334
Trucker334 · 46-50, M
@SW-User You’ll like it. Cracks me up. 😂
Montanaman · M
Just finished Hannibal, Dexter. Now watching Son's of Anarchy. 👍👍
Trucker334 · 46-50, M
Both great. Did you watch breaking bad, it was great. @Montanaman
Montanaman · M
@Trucker334 will watch it once SOA is finished.👍

I am hearing so much about it that I will give it a shot.
Trucker334 · 46-50, M
It’s great, it’s just really funny. It’s nice to see shows that aren’t overly serious like most these days. @SW-User

Haha, it was the funniest shit to me, honestly. I don't even know why. It kinda reminds me of my own life, only I'm less homicidal.
Trucker334 · 46-50, M
@SW-User 😂😂😂 Yea, I didn’t expect to like it, but it’s so dang funny!

@Trucker334 The freaking song at the Magic Jesus pageant had me dying.
Trucker334 · 46-50, M
@SW-User 😯 Almost there, haven’t heard it yet. Got to get off here and watch another episode tonight. 😂