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Traffic lights on Roundabouts ?

Is England the only country in the world that puts traffic lights on a roundabout ? ?
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Mamapolo2016 · F Best Comment
Speaking of boring topics. I've never found anyone to tell this to since I read it years ago. In New England (the US one) they found one of the things tying up traffic was the inability of some drivers to merge into moving highway traffic from an entrance ramp

They installed a sysrem of lights on a wall flanking the entrance ramp. The speed and spacing of approaching traffic was sensed electronically and a "Go" signal lit up while the lights on the wall began to light in sequence showing the merging driver how fast the car needed to. be moving to safely join the stream of traffic.

It worked great, accurate and reliable. Thing was, the only drivers who could use the system of lights to merge were the ones who could do it without rhe lights.

Yawn. I know, but I had to offload some useless extraneoua knowledge.
@Wilcrooks Well sure, but I warn you that is by no means the only unhomed bit of extraneous knowledge rattling around up there.

And thanks for BA, but, are you sure? Somebody should do something.
@Crazywaterspring Be patient. They'll prune themselves out of the family tree. Unfortunately there will be collateral damage.
Wilcrooks · 61-69, M
@Mamapolo2016 yes iam sure

Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Unfortunately we've gone from Horse and cart to every type of vehicle you can imagine on the road these days in less than 100 years !
Also people seem to think owning a vehicle is something of a necessity these days when they never have before !
So roads designed and built pre-1960 ish, weren't designed for the sheer weight of traffic today.
Roundabouts were introduced near busy intersections because other road users refused to give way (yield) when they were SUPPOSED to !
Thus causing unnecessary congestion and accidents because EVERYBODY thinks it's THEIR right to go at the SAME time !
Look how stupid Rome gets !
So over time roundabouts have gotten ever bigger.
And sheer weight of traffic means traffic lights required to ensure traffic flow continues.
Traffic management is a major issue these days because folk work across a 24 hour period; it's STILL cheaper to transport goods this way rather than by rail (that's the true stupidity !) and people are basically selfish assholes when confined within their own vehicle.
JennaBug · 31-35, F
No, we have lights on ours in Tasmania.
[image/video deleted]
VodkaBec · 31-35, F
@JennaBug Same in Melbourne, they have stuffed traffic flow up in some cases, should be one or the other.
zorroo · 61-69, M
it is there in many countries depend on the traffic load on the roundabout, or traffic will be like this

[image/video deleted]
This far I don't remember seeing them in the US, but they might've snuck some in while I wasn't looking.
Wilcrooks · 61-69, M
@Mamapolo2016 @Mamapolo2016 your system over there is the correct and proper way to drive .... in England we also have painted roundabouts .... yes I did say “ Painted “ ... no kerb edging or wall .... just paint !
@Wilcrooks A friend and I were just talking about ....wait...Did I hear you say the US did something in the proper manner?..,.Hokey smokes. Red letter day!...back on topic. Both of us had recent experiences where one of those really important people, the kind who don't have to wait their turn like ordinary mortals, went blasting through a roundabout like the hounds of Hell were on their heels.

I diidn't see any dogs, though, and Judy said she didn't either.

Maybe lights aren't such a bad idea.
Projecthonest · 41-45, F
No, I’ve seen this all over Europe
Wilcrooks · 61-69, M
[@what is the point ? ... there should be no roundabouts on any road system ... it’s simple ... minor road meets major road ...stops ...proceeds when safe to do so .... simples !
Projecthonest · 41-45, F
@Wilcrooks if used correctly( and without traffic lights) they keep the flow of traffic but bad driving skills prevail!
Wilcrooks · 61-69, M
i know its a boring topic of conversation ....but when your just sitting there ...on a roundabout ....its just frustrating 😖
In my hometown, we had a weird roundabout that didn't follow the normal rules, and it had traffic lights that also had weird patterns. They've subsequently changed the rules and taken out the lights.

I may have seen roundabouts with lights in Holland, but I can't remember. The whole point of a roundabout is to eliminate the need for lights. I have seen roundabouts with lights stupidly nearby, so they back up constantly.
VodkaBec · 31-35, F
No it’s not, they do it here too, it shits me to death.

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