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What happened

What happened to manners
What happened to patriotism
What happened to "death do us part"
What happened to kids behaving
What happened to real dates

Here is my explanation and I hope you enjoy my question but think about it. I remember being taught manners how to be polite. I knew how to say thank you, yes please, good morning sir. I could wait for an elderly person to enter the door before me. If I was on public transportation I would get up for a woman or an elderly person.

I wanted to be a Marine for as long as I could remember. It was the most honorable job a person could have. I love the flag I knew US history. I respected the office of the politicians that we elected. I knew the pledge of allegiance and I knew the bill of rights. I would stand for the national anthem I could not even imagine not standing.

I do not have a single friend who has been married for more than 15 years. Most of them are on their 2nd or 3rd families. How sad and how selfish it does not seem to be worth getting married no one seems to value it. My grandparents were married for 67 years no one in my bloodline will even come close to that.

Children are out of control. I know as a child I was not perfect however I did not kick scream and act ridiculous in a grocery store or restaurant in public or in private. I have 3 boys they are all adults now and none of them behaved that way either. Why are children so ill behaved.

What happened to being asked out on a date or asking someone out on a date. Actually planning to do something other than Netflix and chill. Remember buying that new shirt for that special date. Going to their residents picking them up actually knocking on the door. Taking them somewhere special. Having a conversation with them not just texting all night. Remember making memories on real dates.
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Times change. People change with them. Not necessarily for the good. Etiquette never goes out of style. It is just ignored for unknown reasons. Dates? That scene is horrendous these days. Children? They are negotiated with. Sent into time outs. They need rules. And no spanking. Force teaches nothing good. Military? Too controversial. I am not American either so I will not say a word. Marriage? There is common law now. And people have choices if they are unhappy. That is a good thing for adults and for their children. Thanks for posting. I like postings from the heart.
Capt11 · 46-50, M
@PoetryNEmotion yes it was from the heart. I appreciate your reply I can tell you put some thought into it.