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Can you go to jail for defamation in your country?

In my country, you can be jailed for a year or more for it.
Yikes! That’s very strict.
Rain95 · 26-30, M
@LadyGrace Well yes but they deserved it for defaming them of false things.
@Rain95 Yes.
Are you kidding I saw an immigrant burn the flag on the 4th of July and was protected by the police.
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@dunpender And you think the population is going to get smaller - wait till you see one of them defame you queen
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kate21 · 26-30, F
Nope. In America it’s a civil defense, so at most you could get sued by the person you defamed, but even that carries a very high burden of proof. You’d have to show the person knowingly defamed you, basically meaning that they knew what they said was false.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
@kate21 Reminds me of Wacky Packages...
Yeah people are arrested for mocking politicians on Facebook
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FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
In my country you just have to know somebody that knows somebody...
no, it's a civil tort, not criminal
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@SW-User A civil tort sounds delicious.
@CountScrofula you foodie you lol 😋
kitnap · 46-50, M
Not in the U.S.
It depends on what kind of defamation it is. Most of the time you have to pay a fine. But for public diffamation (racism, homophobia, discrimination) you could risk one year in jail
Let's find out...

Rain 95 smells and his mum dresses him funny...

...Errr, no! Apparently...

BTW... No worries...That was just a test!
If you are charged with a felony then you go to jail and can be held up to 5 years in the jail awaiting trial.
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
We need it here ,but no it is not a jailing offence to be a dickbag.
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
What country are you from?
Rain95 · 26-30, M
@Groofydorkgerdo South Korea
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chrisCA · M
Not that I know of.
In Canada, you can be sued.
firefall · 61-69, M
Not here, it's just a civil action.
No in the USA you are free.
MethDozer · M
Nope, freedom of speech
Rain95 · 26-30, M
@MethDozer Even if it's false information?
MethDozer · M
@Rain95 Yes.

There is libel and Slander against a person or entity but not against the country. Also for it to be libel or slander it has to be proven beyond any doubt the person making the claim did so while knowing it was false. If you actually believe it or it cannot be proven you didn't then it is not a lie and not slander or libel. So basically you pretty much need a confession to prove it and it is one of the hardest charges to prove in court.

Again though, you say anything you want against the country and you are protected by freedom of speech. It is one of the freedoms we Still have and is absolute in a world that is increasingly against it.

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