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Brenda · 61-69, F
40 minutes waiting the guy says "hello what is your queries about today,"
me "I have a question about my pension"
him "ok just a minute"
put me back at the start of the system and now another wait
sick of the bloody Music loop and the automated voice
"Thank you for waiting "
Employ people instead of Robots you greedy money scrimping Bastards
me "I have a question about my pension"
him "ok just a minute"
put me back at the start of the system and now another wait
sick of the bloody Music loop and the automated voice
"Thank you for waiting "
Employ people instead of Robots you greedy money scrimping Bastards
notsure · 56-60, M
Because automated is faster lol
Caz it's fun to troll the public.
Brenda · 61-69, F
@SW-User they are doing a good job then, 3 days I have been trying to sort out a pension problem and all I get is "Thank you for your call, Please hold we will be with you shortly," stamping my foot and growling here
@Brenda That's actually pretty serious and frustrating. I'm sorry about the ignorant joke.
Brenda · 61-69, F
@SW-User no need to be sorry I am just venting
Brenda · 61-69, F
1 hour 13 minutes talking to someone finally
notsure · 56-60, M
Hope they don't cut you off
Orchid · 51-55, F
Hooray x