JupiterDreams · 31-35
People pushing their beliefs on others.
Skyline470 · 31-35, M
@JupiterDreams So like, jehovah witnesses?
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Skyline470 yeah, like us.
When something in another language isn't translated in a book, and related to that, footnotes that merely refer to some extremely obscure volume i'll never come across, or footnotes leading to other footnotes that endlessly lead to other footnotes. Being a bibliophile isn't always fun and games.
Skyline470 · 31-35, M
@SW-User Oh yea, mad respect dude. Any good books to recommend?
@Skyline470 You gotta check out Gargantua and Pantagruel by Rabelais for Rennaisance humor.
sensitive people with no sense of humor 🙄
JupiterDreams · 31-35
@SW-User You what!? D:<
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Skyline470 · 31-35, M
@MsAnnThropy Oh sh#t, thank god im a person, not people. People is plural so... lol
@Skyline470 Well I’m putting everyone under that unmrella.
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Starstuff · F
When I don’t understand something
Skyline470 · 31-35, M
@Starstuff You shouldn't listen to any of Trump's speeches lol.
FaeLuna · 31-35, F
When people chew with their mouth open, and you can hear every single noise of their food smacking around in there. It just makes me want to claw my ears out!
Nobody28 · M
SW drama I have my moments but I regret them yeah no tolerance
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
When something gets on my nerves and there's no explainable reason to why.
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smmartydude · 41-45, M
Idiots. And people who say "he's not my president". Well, sorry, if you live here, then yes, yes he is.
MethDozer · M
People who walk slow.
Skyline470 · 31-35, M
@MethDozer Man, you must be angry everyday lol
MethDozer · M
@Skyline470 I get really annoyed in town or the grocery store.