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I strongly dislike Asian people

I have no idea why people like the continent of Asia, its food, culture or its people. I especially dislike East Asians. Why do people even visit places like China, Japan or Thailand? They're disgusting parts of the world!

White men who sleep with Asian women are a disgrace to their race. Why can't they just make love to white women? Dirty scoundrels.

East Asians are culturally regressive and weird and unattractive. I hate how they all look the same and have freaky accents, and I hate how some white men find their STD-infected women attractive. I also hate how some white women find it appropriate to sleep with black men. Though I still hate Asians more than I hate black people. You just cannot trust them and their strange ways.
Poet123 · 26-30, M
You're a gross person who doesn't know the beauty of Asia. It's a bit pathetic coming from a South Korea. We do not look alike, the same can be applied to Caucasians. All blonde haired people look all the same.

We do have attractive people as there are ugly people but that can apply to any race. You're a disgusting person making assumptions, did some Asian person wrong you?

China, Japan, and even Thailand are beautiful countries. They do have their downfalls but so does America and Britain too.
Go away racist horrible person.
I strongly dislike white people. They smell of pee and shit. IDK why Asian women sleep with white men. What a disgrace to the Asian race. Ugh. PUKE. White men are the trash of the world. I hate white TANNED men, but the pink ones are the worst. They don't deserve to exist.
White men all look the same. The same small eyes like ugh buttons and cunning perverted pedopholic smiles....all carrying HIV in their unhygienic dicks. Ugh!! Stop spreading herpes and aids white trashy mansluts!!!
@SW-User (that's all for holding up the mirror to HIS opinions and for no other purpose)
rckt148 · 61-69, M
its nice to see someone with such a high opinion of himself and such a low opinion of others be so open about it .
Then I don't have any problem telling them their heart is black and they are part of the reason the world is in the shape its in .
but it takes all kinds to make the world go round
Even young man with such screwed up views of others ,
There is good and bad in all races ,guess at least in my opinion
Now I know which class you are in ,,
Just what we needed ,another hater ,,you'll fit right in
Stangdriver · 31-35, M
First sir are a complete moron!! Why would you even post something like this!?? just HAD to throw Black people..., more specifically, Black men into your ring of hate as well huh?! I'm sure that none of the races you've mentioned in your foolish post have done half of the offensive nonsense to you that you have to them! You're a real P.O.S, and I hope someone finds out your true identity, & exposes you for what you are!
Dusty101 · F
Entitled to your opinion dude..
Here's mine... Erase that!!!
Lackwittyname · 51-55, M
Well count me as a disgrace to my race
IFoundLife · 41-45, F
Well, God isn’t so smart, you know!! He should have created only white men and women.

Still figuring out why he created us Asians and Blacks at all.
Chickie · F
People can't help what race they are born but people like you can stop being racist.

Reported and blocked

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