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What do you think of Boy Scouts allowing girls to join?

Poll - Total Votes: 26
Yes, I fully support Boy Scouts allowing Girls
No, I think it's a terrible idea because Boy Scouts are meant for BOYS ONLY!
I don't really know which side to choose.
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I really want to know what people think regarding this issue. Being an Eagle Scout, I'm a little upset about this change but I want to see what others think.
BTW: for those who are unaware the Boy Scout organization already has 3 co-ed programs.
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I voted don’t really know because I really don’t.

Because of my age, at least partly, I felt all My life that the boys got to do the fun stuff like building and mowing and the thrilling stuff like hiking with Dad through three feet of snow in a blizzard to the grocery store while I had to help cook and clean and sew. Boring.

But I think like antisocialbutterfly, joining the boys at the fun stuff still implies girls need boys as trail-breakers. Girl Scouts should step up and meet that challenge.

I’m also getting to the point where I’m tired of seeing things that aren’t broken being fixed.
Personnerdy6 · 22-25, M
@Personnerdy6 it allows for both sides to share an equal part of scouting
@Personnerdy6 In theory. Where are they going to get leaders who don’t buy into stereotypes?
Personnerdy6 · 22-25, M
@Mamapolo2016 that I don't know. I mean BSA rules dictate that you need 1 leader for every 4 (or 2 I don't remember) children. In terms of gender they follow the special Venture/Sea scout rule of one adult woman leader per said number of girls and one male leader per number of males in a given unit.
In example a Sea Scout Ship has 12 members.
8 of the 12 are boys and the other 4 are girls
That means the ship needs 2 male leaders and one female leader to run. I don't know how they will address stereotypes but I believe that is one way they attempt to combat it.
antisocialbutterfly · 26-30, F
Honestly, being a former girl scout I believe that it is a bit senseless. There are already co ed scouting programs. But, if the boy scouts wanted to be inclusive of the male identifying members of the lgbtq community I fully support that. But, when I was still a scout, I remember it being a big issue that the boy scouts did not want to include some of these people, at least not in leadership roles. But at the time , girl scouts did. I remember distinctly having a cookie booth outside a walmart for about four hours when it was only about twenty degrees outside and an older gentleman , instead of politely ignoring us, had to tell us the reason he could not support us is that we his own words...supported the gays. That long, seemingly senseless rant aside, a large portion of the girl scout organization is female empowerment and showing that there is so much we don't need the boys for. It kind of defeats that purpose when we're now deciding the girls can't start a fire or pitch a tent on their own, isn't it?
I’m an Eagle Scout too and was lucky enough to be in a troop where we averaged around 5 eagles each year

As far as letting girls join, I don’t think it’s going to be a big issue. Because there’s already venture scouting which is co-rec, I think it’s just going to be similar to that where a couple tomboys join here and there. It’s not as if Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts have merged.

Furthermore, this is just from experience, but I found a large amount of scouts in my troop and other troops I interacted with were pretty socially awkward. I think if boys ages 11-15 (primary scout ages) interact with girls their age, they can prepare better for social adulthood.
plinkplonk · F
The Girl Scouts need to do a better job evolving with the times.
Personnerdy6 · 22-25, M
@plinkplonk I agree wholeheartedly!
My other concern is I think especially today both boys and girls need an opportunity to bond with their gender. Not making skirts and scalloped potatoes for the girls and wilderness hikes and white water rafting for the boys. Girls need to be confident that females can meet those challenges as well as boys ... and it’s going to be a long learning curve as co-ed expeditions begin.
Idk if it's everywhere, but where I am from, there is boy scouts, and girl guides..and boy scouts sound so much more fun. They go on outdoor adventures, learn about the outdoors where the girl guides are more connected with the community..selling cookies, planting gardens, having sleepovers...etc etc. Sounds lame. 😂

I feel like instead they should make something like boy scouts, but for girls.
CynicGirl · 26-30, F
maybe they should just call themsels "scouts" then... other then that why would anyone oppose this ?
Personnerdy6 · 22-25, M
@CynicGirl the thing is they just changed their name to Scouts BSA. However, the Girl Scout organization is pissed because they are going to lose girls.
CynicGirl · 26-30, F
@Personnerdy6 well just unite those 2 organisations... i am not sure how much of a cliche it is but those cookie selling girl scouts sound kinda ridiculous... i would have wanted to join real scouts when i was a kid
Personnerdy6 · 22-25, M
@CynicGirl if they joined the two programs together I wouldn't really have a problem however, they are taking away what is clearly for BOYS and making it a co-ed group. What really pisses scooters off is the fact that BSA already has other co-ed programs which is why they shouldn't remove the Boy only side but the head officials made their mind.
That among other reasons is why I pulled my son from the BSA and had him join Trail Life USA.
Goralski · 56-60, M
I'm mo worried about d free rubbers and alcohol at there jamboree
Personnerdy6 · 22-25, M
@Goralski Hey mom, I just got the teen pregnancy merit badge. 😂😂😂 in all seriousness though. The contraception is a rule of the world scouting organization, not BSA and besides I bet it's probably better some scout uses it rather than ruin the lives of themselves and said other party.
Goralski · 56-60, M
@Personnerdy6 yeah....I'm sure all d pedos are salivating
They already have a girls club don’t they.
Personnerdy6 · 22-25, M
@MsAnnThropy yea, its girl scouts. But the problem is girl scouts doesn't offer the same high adventure opportunities Boy Scouts does.
Are the girl scouts going to allow boys?
Personnerdy6 · 22-25, M
@SW-User no
Why not? Are they sexist?
Personnerdy6 · 22-25, M
@SW-User they are a separate orginazation and actually completely oppose this movement. In matter of fact they either attempted or are in the process of attempting to sue the Boy Scouts of America
This is one I’m not sure about. Generally, the idea behind girls wanting to join the Boy Scouts has been more opportunities to participate in the challenging activities the Boy Scouts have been known for. Earning badges for crafts, cooking, dance and theater are hardly comparable, as I recall from my days as a Girl Scout. Our organization may need to step things up if they don’t want lose members.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
The boys will probably work harder. One of our boy's sister would go along with us and she could outclimb and outrun most of the boys. She learned how to shoot with them and learned first aid. Was a shame she couldn't get badges.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
I don't.

Then again I urge girls to go into programs more instituted for intellectual growth.


Never was much impressed ... all the arrogance, supremacist tripe, abuse and bugotry.... scandle, seems like a waste.
It will be ok. The presence of females doesn’t screw everything up as much as some guys seem to believe it does.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
It's a gay conspiracy. And that's all it is end of story
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
F'ing ridiculous
Xena1234 · 51-55, F
Pure and simple, it is bullshit

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