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lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
@SW-User I'm surprised that you haven't thrown ur self in the oven. See what I did there? 😁

How long do you wanna cook?

@lisasamaforever nah, it's good!
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
That's what she said

@lisasamaforever 😁😁
Ur face is very facial
No one wants to hear bout ur sex life
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
@terribleperson who said anything about sex?


I would try but it would probably go over your head
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
@SW-User Don't flatter yourself
FreeSpirit1 · F
I think I saw you in a gang bang video.
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
It wasn't a retort i was asking u to shut the fuck up
FreeSpirit1 · F
@lisasamaforever Roasting finished
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
@FreeSpirit1 bitch I haven't even begun
Whyme · 46-50, M
Well look at those glasses only two reasons for them 80 aviators either high as all hell or cross eyed maby three were you talking when you should've been listening?
adhane05 · 31-35, M
Here goes nothing, you stink! 🤓
adhane05 · 31-35, M
@lisasamaforever What are you wearing in your picture? Did your mother dress you? 🤣
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
Actually it was my gramgram
adhane05 · 31-35, M
@lisasamaforever I like her sense of humor.
wakanda4eva · 26-30, F
I think your chin is sharper than my kitchen knife 😲
wakanda4eva · 26-30, F
@lisasamaforever ouch xD that burn tho, I got nothin else to roast you on 🤷
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
Well don't just give up like that. Don't be like your mother. She gave up on the coat hanger - so u were born
wakanda4eva · 26-30, F
@lisasamaforever well I suppose by that logic your mom should have kept her coat hanger ;)
You have been a nudist so long that clothes are allergic to you.
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
Ouch again. Can I get one more?
I’m hoping that your prize is missing clothes. 😊
I’m hoping that your prize is missing clothes. 😊

Get them glasses off and show me your eyes DO IT NOW !!!!

@lisasamaforever Am i supposed to swear at you or something ?
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
Someone give this fucker a medal of stupidity

@lisasamaforever Now now relax take a deep breath and chill so why did you feel the need to be nasty towards me ? 😓

You remind me of the shit I take: Brown, wet, and your looks are visibly deteriorating.