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I've sneezed 8 times in a row. What's your record for sneezes in a row?

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AnneHoney · 41-45, F
The longest sneezing fit ever recorded is that of Donna Griffiths (UK, b. 1969) who started sneezing on 13 January 1981 and surpassed the previous duration record of 194 days on 26 July 1981. She sneezed an estimated million times in the first 365 days and achieved her first sneeze-free day on 16 September 1983 - the 977th day.
Nat15 · F
@AnneHoney That's just CRAZY!!!!!!
probably somewhere around there. i get really bad allergies
Nat15 · F
@SW-User That sucks. I can't imagine feeling like this on a regular basis. :( *hug*
I wish I was kidding. My ribs and stomach hurt for a day after.
Nat15 · F
@SW-User oh wow! That would be horrible!!
Maybe like two no more than three
Nat15 · F
@Stark That's good. It's not a good feeling. :)
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
6, max. 8 is a real accomplishment
Nat15 · F
@DownTheStreet I feel really good about myself now. Lol
AnneHoney · 41-45, F
Somebody sneezed for like 18 years
Nat15 · F
@AnneHoney I'm glad I'm not Somebody. :P
Nat15 · F
@HannibalMontanimal You're gonna have to hurry to catch up! Lol
Nat15 · F
@AnneHoney lucky!
calibeachnudist · 51-55, M
I never counted but when I have allergy attacks, easily 40-50...
I think it's twelve.
I’ve sneezed 31times in a row darling n that’s record 😂
roo423 · 51-55, M
34...found out I'm allergic to cedar shavings!
Sp2l3emP34c067 · 36-40, M
Your eight definitely beats my four
AndrewG · 22-25, M
meemo70 · 51-55, M
Reminds me of a girl in one of my lectures who sneezed maybe 8 times too, except she paused for the last one and she kinda screamed because of how powerful it was. Even the miserable lecturer that never smiles, laughed.
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Nat15 · F
@dumbass Start counting. Duh! :P
Three, they’re so horrible!
Nat15 · F
@SW-User Yup!
@Nat15 I keep a bottle of water next to me at all times, it helps a little. Otherwise I feel like my throat closes up. 🤔
Nat15 · F
@SW-User awwwwww :(
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
lol made me remember a time in class i had a sneeze attack and the teacher asked me to stop, takes one dumb ass to ask someone that😒
Nat15 · F
@whateverhappens lol Yeah. Like I really wanna be sneezing forever with my nose dripping all over the place. . Stupid teacher
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
@Nat15 exactly lol

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