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Ever felt tipsy after dinner out so you sit at the restaurant table like a dweeb drinking water/coffee for the next 30 mins before you head home?

Welcome to my day. Sadly I'd rather have another than this water. 馃檮
JoyfulSilence46-50, M
I sat and used their free WiFi for another half-hour.
Barelygettingby56-60, F
@JoyfulSilence No WiFi here. I'll have to leave soon when my phone runs down.
JoyfulSilence46-50, M
@Barelygettingby Drive safe!
Barelygettingby56-60, F
I will. Feeling fine now. And a stop for coffee will be the final nail in this coffin if a good time. Lol.
coolboy8636-40, M
we didnt ask to be welcomed to your day
Barelygettingby56-60, F
@coolboy86 Then leave it.

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