Fernie · F
Ladies with spectacles...what is this ..1890?
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Shipwrecked · 46-50, M
@Mguinm ...always classy AND fashionable.

I prefer contacts but can't wear them anymore so I learned to like wearing glasses now.
blazingrahul · 41-45, M
@SW-User I think u might look beautiful in those

@blazingrahul Thank you. 😊Actually I prefer sunglasses. I should get some prescription sunglasses !🕶
summersun · 36-40, F
As much as I love my glasses, I like myself better without them.. though yeah, to some guys they look good too :))
summersun · 36-40, F
@blazingrahul I do get your point but if you are also wearing glasses you'd know how unconfortable they become at times.
summersun · 36-40, F
@ItsGonnaBeOk true
blazingrahul · 41-45, M
@summersun u r right too
ItsGonnaBeOk · 26-30, M
Can't you say glasses?

Boobs and an innie floats my boat!