Damn, you'll definitely get attention for this question
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
@Jackaloftheazuresand genius
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
the butthurt is strong with you.

ZenKitzune · F
You could always use your power to you know, not watch lol
revenant · F
I did not see it since I am not fond of this type of movies superheroes and all. But people forget it is SCIENCE FICTION . Carrying some kind of political move.
lily88mercy · 26-30, F
The fact that the movie industry exploits sensationalism at every level is not new, Miss Lisa. The iconic tropes of patriotism, hyper-sexuality, good versus evil plays across the timeless theaters of history, politics and entertainment.
I support the fact you disdain the transparent exploitation but I ask you to consider what actual benefit is there in obsessing about it?
I support the fact you disdain the transparent exploitation but I ask you to consider what actual benefit is there in obsessing about it?
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
@lily88mercy Well I'm glad you give a shit to post a comment professor! If I invest 2 hours of my life in a movie it better be good one. I just miss the 2000s where movies where made using good scripts and great acting, not hyped up patriotism
lily88mercy · 26-30, F
@lisasamaforever How you "invest your time" is a very good point, Lisa. Movies like the "Black Panther" reveal their depth frequently within the first 10 to 20 minutes. An intelligent consumer like yourself probably spots this kind of shallow artifice in far less time than that.
Thus, the moment after surmising the depth, why did you subject yourself to the full 2 hours? Why didn't you leave? Did someone make you watch it? No wonder you want to rant!
It's my sincere wish that the wounds left from the handcuff and rope bindings that bound you to the chair heal quickly.
Thus, the moment after surmising the depth, why did you subject yourself to the full 2 hours? Why didn't you leave? Did someone make you watch it? No wonder you want to rant!
It's my sincere wish that the wounds left from the handcuff and rope bindings that bound you to the chair heal quickly.
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
No it's not. Hope you don't have the same feelings about 'Coco'.
lorne13 · 61-69, M
Hey i like it, it has great visual power

I haven't watched it, but isn't the main villain black too? How is fighting back or revenge?
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@lisasamaforever I saw no one calling it a masterpiece. It's just another Marvel movie, and like every other Marvel movie it gets praise for being a Marvel movie.
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
@SW-User Well I have to agree there.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@SW-User rotten tomatoes gave it 98%
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lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
@Blackpower nuts?

Isn't that with every superhero movie?
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
What game did black panther change?

@lisasamaforever The opportunity to bring more diversity in big-budget films. Similar to what the movie Wonder Woman did.
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
Well have to agree with you there! *slow long clap*
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
I wouldn't say it was great, but don't you think you're over reacting? The fact that most of the characters happen to be black because it takes place in Africa doesn't seem that weird. I mean, SOME stories have to center in Africa, it's a place where lots of people live after all.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
I Enjoyed it
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
@JohnOinger well you're just boring

I hope you understand what you said 😂
It looks bad
It looks bad
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
Don't know don't care
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
@AnonymousJSS zero fucks given
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
@lisasamaforever Ok... and?
User41 · 36-40, M
Yeah I agree it’s given attention simply do to the politics and a black cast.
But you know what your getting into with black panther. It’s not trying to sway an audience, it’s calling on people already wanting that type of message in a movie.
An it’s a super hero movie. They are all stupid and over the top with mindless meaningless action.
I say, so what 🤷🏻♂️. If you don’t like it you don’t have to see it.
Wanna get mad, get mad about Star Wars. A movie that already had a common theam and narrative that was absolutely abandoned to sway an audience to agree with a feminist agenda.
But you know what your getting into with black panther. It’s not trying to sway an audience, it’s calling on people already wanting that type of message in a movie.
An it’s a super hero movie. They are all stupid and over the top with mindless meaningless action.
I say, so what 🤷🏻♂️. If you don’t like it you don’t have to see it.
Wanna get mad, get mad about Star Wars. A movie that already had a common theam and narrative that was absolutely abandoned to sway an audience to agree with a feminist agenda.
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
Yeah, Exactly! do you see what I mean?
User41 · 36-40, M
🤔 yeah I do.
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I didn't watch it
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
@MartinTheFirst Well go ahead it's a wast of time.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@lisasamaforever oki
DDaverde · 61-69, M
I disentangle waste my time
I am so fed up with this absolute
PC crap 💩 it’s destroying
The USA......
I am so fed up with this absolute
PC crap 💩 it’s destroying
The USA......
ImperialAerosolKidFromEP · 51-55, M
Usually the box office (you know? The free market) is a pretty objective metric for these things. It's saying your dead wrong.
goagainsttheflow · 31-35, F
Not at all. Black Panther discourages that completely. "Niggers Fight Back" and "Revenge of the Niggers" is what Killmonger represented. And he died. Black Panther encourages people to face discrimination through peace and knowledge, not through war and oppression.
goagainsttheflow · 31-35, F
@lisasamaforever A lot of people have said they dislike it, especially online.
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
No not really. Not a single critic has given it a bad review - there are a few average reviews - but no bad ones.

@goagainsttheflow I don't think her problem was with the movie being bad
496sbc · 36-40, M
Lol 😆 they way u said it. Is perfect 👌. Omg 😮. Any way i herd its shit to. 💩
Fernie · F
I'm blocking you because you are a complete jerk
lisasamaforever · 31-35, F
@Fernie zero fucks given