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Reasons to be humble and kind...

I love this poem because it reminds me of two things.
1. The fact that I exist at all is a miracle and I should cherish it.
2. Despite my miraculous existence, I am still a speck, and i am entitled to nothing.

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There's liberation in the fact that it's also a two-way street; we don't owe the universe, a god, a higher purpose, whatever it is out there.. any obligation, so we can follow our own compass. :)
That's very humbling! The universe is neither cruel or kind. All very true.

But because of who you are, and I see it in you, you are given the means of overcoming the world. :)

Entitlement? No.

Empowered to have a balanced life (where you are prospered and problems are nothing but a slight burden)? Yes.

Two different things: one is a self-righteous, "you owe me" attitude, the other is a promise and ability given by "you know who".

Remember that in the face of hopelessness. ;)
Miram · 31-35, F
That's beautiful. First time read.
Nat15 · F
@Miram Thanks. Crane's poems are dark but they speak to me sometimes.
english · 56-60, M
hey N🙃at cheers for sharing enjoy your your Sunday
Nat15 · F
@english You too. :)
english · 56-60, M
@Nat15 your good fun cheers have a great time. ☺
account123 · 80-89, M
We should thank our parents for having sex at the right moment that made us.
Any onother moment
Would be a different sperm
A different person
Thank you God
Thank you parents.
Redstar · 36-40, M
If my life is a miracle, it's a pretty shitty miracle

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