I take a lot of unnecessary breaks haha. But when I’m really stressed then time just flies by and I don’t stop to take breaks
Diyanne · F
I do like 3 hrs straight but with my fav songs as background...
RadioactiveWolf · 26-30, M
@Diyanne I have a folder for study/concentration music. Definitely helps to reduce the breaks ^^
Diyanne · F
@RadioactiveWolf Thats good ☺
Nullifier · 22-25, M
I'm always on my phone 🙄
RadioactiveWolf · 26-30, M
@Nullifier the temptation
Nullifier · 22-25, M
Exams are also approaching damn😐😫
RadioactiveWolf · 26-30, M
@Nullifier :/

yep about that, or an hour then mini break 👍 what are you studying ?