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Converstaion starters

About 3 weeks ive been exchanging simple "how are you" text with a old friend. Once last week i asked about his day and his day basicly sucked. (Which sadly gave us somthing to disscus). I want to talk more with him but im not sure what to say or how to keep the conversation going as i dont want to become annoying repetitive or boring.
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You've lived with a cell phone in your face much too long if you haven't figured out how to converse verbally with a friendly human!

BTW, Texting & Talking are Totally different!

Face to face you don't have to ☺😃😕🙄 to get moods and expressions across!

You should try it some day!

Verbal personal conversation takes clues from facial cues and voice inflections, which trigger the brain to think and compare and remember...
This allows thought processes which help keep the conversation going in a more spontaneous interesting way!

Texting is never spontaneous, you're mentally editing and phrasing to present yourself in a guarded way usually.
Try using the Voice Feature on you Phone!
Freakin' Dial his phone and TALK TO HIM!!!
Firegod74 · 46-50, M
Go for a walk. Tell him about that great thing you saw. Challenge them to do the same back. It's actually a nice way to get people to concentrate on the good around them when they are too focused on bad things internally.
User41 · 36-40, M

How many toddlers do you think it would take to beat you to death?

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