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Intercourse is disgusting! Why do people do it?

Doomflower · 36-40, M
The world is virtually covered in poop particles. I once saw a woman's UTERUS START FALLING OUT...and I pushed it back in. One of the great WTF moments of my life. Have you ever seen someone vomit fecal matter because they have a twisted bowel? Holy shit life is gross.
If not intercourse, then what floats your boat?
Have you gone to the doctor and had your testosterone levels checked? Hormones could affect your drive.
because it feels good. and apparently leads to making miniature versions of us. so i'm told.
Rutterman · 46-50, M
Disgusting or not, people are driven to do it. Survival of the species depends on it.
Xuan12 · 31-35, M
A lot of people say that, but consider what eating is, especially eating meat. Tearing an animal into tiny bits, swallowing it, dissolving it inside yourself with acid, and absorbing the resulting slurry into your own body. And of course throwing out the rest of it.

Honestly, compared to that, sex sounds pretty tame.
Davidarendale0 · 36-40, M
Because it's fucking fun!
boston408 · M
@Davidarendale0 so primitive 😒
Theexpert · F
Its not that bad
Serenitree · F
@Theexpert Best response.
PeaceGal · 22-25, F
Are you 10?
boston408 · M
Miram · 31-35, F
They do it so you exist and ask this very question, looking down to your origin.
Miram · 31-35, F
@boston408 intercourse obviously. Why did you do something you find disgusting?
boston408 · M
@Miram society
Miram · 31-35, F
Et voilà..You answered your question. Tiny bit of it at least.
if you don't like it then don't do it. no one's forcing you.
boston408 · M
@SW-User they will send me to the Loony bin
@boston408 i'm guessing you're trolling me. seeya.
boston408 · M
@SW-User lol
Is this a joke? Sex is the most amazing thing on the planet if with someone great.
boston408 · M
I sense
KelseyR · 26-30, F
Try it. You'll like it.
Practice makes perfect.@Davidarendale0
boston408 · M
@MissMollyCharlotte0702 taking it from behind
Oh. Well then that would explain why you hate it then. 😔
You might have been with a partner who does not fit your sexual preference. Try the other sex before you swear off of intercourse.
Have you done it before?
Had sex before?@boston408
boston408 · M
Ok I will just assume you are a virgin then@boston408
OnedayOnetime · 22-25, F
Ahhh we can be nuns together. Sisters too. Dw ik you're a guy.
Dusty101 · F
Sex is like a different language.. not everyone speaks it. ☺
Because they don't find it disgusting obv 😂
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
mathsman · 70-79, M
@whateverhappens I think you're right. Probably sexually repressed following some trauma.

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