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Just attention slaves and nothing else. boring
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
Don't get me wrong, having boobs is great but I really don't think it needs to be used as bait.
NewMe · 26-30, M
@JarJarBoom Exactly that's my point.
Magenta · F
What @JarJarBoom @PoetryNEmotion@Mondayschild and
@whateverhappens said. 🙃
I don't get the obsession with it personally. Is that all people have in their brains or going for them.
@whateverhappens said. 🙃
I don't get the obsession with it personally. Is that all people have in their brains or going for them.
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
i mean if you're a streetwalker outside why not online too ? 👀
OkieGemini · 61-69, F
@whateverhappens LMAO!
NewMe · 26-30, M
@whateverhappens Lol😂
PoetryNEmotion · F
Boobs are stupid people. So I guess there must be many. Unless you mean breasts? That is another word.
NewMe · 26-30, M
@PoetryNEmotion my bad.
cuz there are NEVER enough boobs
TechniCoIorBroccoli · 46-50, F
@SW-User stfu mofo. 😎Only boobs u seen are your own🤓
@TechniCoIorBroccoli well mine are perfect and yours are shit to begin with
TechniCoIorBroccoli · 46-50, F
@SW-User sure ...u biased to your moobs😅😠
Because they don't have any and are looking for a pair?
Mondayschild · F
Attention seekers