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Men are below women

Guys let's face it, you have been shoving women around for the last... oh i dont know... THOUSANDS OF YEARS! It's time to let the women of the world to take control. Men shouldn't be allowed in public without their girl/wife. It's a new age of feminism. Sorry men but no more voting rights, no more places in politics, and no more pushing us around.
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squidgy · 36-40, F
Men and women are equal but different ... and that is OK.

None of us are "below" the other 🙂

We should appreciate the diversity. I know I do.
Fernie · F
@squidgy I agree! Equality is all feminism is about...everyone on an even plane...unfortunately there are many, many, many men who refuse to evolve and are threatened by women who demand equality. SO it's taking far too long to reach that place and too many women who NEED men so they allow them to be troglodytes as long as they have one
sogdianrock · 61-69, M
hi britlee2017
Agreed. Here from my post an hour ago or so:

hi Browneyedoe
Women are the default gender and form a natural numerical majority also. All foetuses are female until Testosterone. Men are a sub set of woman. Women have such advantages and should use them to rule men who are a specialist worker soldier types in the human hive. So get to it! Mean re a disaster in charge as is evident.
Best wishes

Seriously things are so dire now that an urgent shift from male values of competition and violence are required.

Best wishes
MasterLee · 56-60, M
ThePenguin · 26-30, M
Men shouldn't be allowed in public without their girl/wife

I'm still waiting for mine. Let her find me already.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Do not walk in front as I may not follow, Do not follow as I may not lead, But walk beside me and be my friend...
ItsHunter · 22-25, M
that's where they should be imho lol
generaljester · 22-25, F
I hate to break it to you, but that's misandry, not feminism. Feminism describes equality among all genders. No one is below anyone.
Aarushi · 31-35, F
You cannot rise above if all you intend is to put someone down. Grow up!! Improvise yourself. Develop a few skills. Build a resume. Make something out of yourself except for a fool on the internet.
Fernie · F
@Aarushi what the hell are you talking about "grow up" If this is truly a young woman as she claims to be it is YOU that needs to grow up.
Aarushi · 31-35, F
@Fernie If that's really a young woman she needs people to guide her to the right path. Not feed her stupid brains with unrealistic scenarios.
Surrealist or troll?
Fernie · F
They don't want us to have any power because they are afraid we will do to them what they've done to us. I hope you are an 18-21 year old woman and not some freaky guy because too many women your age are anti-feminism because they don't understand what it means
GBPackersFan · 41-45, M
Troll alert 🚨
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M

...... oh, nevermind it's a hater of the humans.

go burn something in someone's front yard.

have a nice day!

MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
😏 bet youre wild in bed.
Hmm can you cook ?
who punched your vagina?

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