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Pineapple · 100+, F
@RemovedUser580106 those g man videos would make me die. Now I'm gonna have to go and watch some
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I am slightly offended by the state of the world.
Thodsis · 51-55, M
Thodsis · 51-55, M

Why do I have to fight Urgot top lane?

Okay then, bud...

whoosh! *closes vent*
Thodsis · 51-55, M
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
fuck, fuck, fuck, damn, fuck. Goddammit
Pineapple · 100+, F
Dear you (not you the author of this post, but "you" the person I wish I could vent this to);
You're a cunt and I hope you suffer for what you did. You're heartless, vain and deserve never to find happiness or love.
You're a cunt and I hope you suffer for what you did. You're heartless, vain and deserve never to find happiness or love.
bearinthebigbluehouse · 26-30, M
Okay so there I was just DESTROYING the fuck out of Ludwig then all of a sudden "OH!!! I'M GONNA DO MY JUMP UP IN THE AIR ATTACK AND THEN DROP ON YOU IN 3 SECONDS!! GET READY" and then "BOOM" instant death. Fuck that shit on ng+, dawwwwwwwwwg. I got stuff to do, places to be! Ain't none of y'all cats at Fromsoft know what up wit yo games!!