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pandainpinktutu · 26-30, F
Woman, I told you to give him hell and here you are again. Block that bitch. But before that make sure how serious you are about not wanting him to message you from different accounts. Geddit?
Haha, thanks. I know you're right but I just don't want to be rude and callous towards him. But yes, I guess it is high time. @pandainpinktutu
I will ignore them, unless they get abusive or harassing in any way. Then if its possible, I will keep blocking all their ids created to message me.
Tell them to stop. If they don't, block.
USER42 · M
Troll them.
Make them, block you.
Make them, block you.
Arthur14 · 26-30, M
I would block them
Nebula · 41-45, F
They're dead to me
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
tell them to stop
HelpIsNotOnItsWay · 26-30, F
block them?
BabyLonia · F
If it annoys you ask them to stop, block them or put up with it.