jimboberelli · 46-50, M
Seven continents
Africa Asia Europe North America South America Antarctica Australia
Africa Asia Europe North America South America Antarctica Australia
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jimboberelli · 46-50, M
@Mugin16: Have you ever been to Albany in Australia. There is a rock there that they can match to antartica from when the 2 continents split
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
@jimboberelli: No, I visited only New Zealand. Yes, Australia, Antarctica, India, Africa and South America used to be part of a super continent.
jimboberelli · 46-50, M
Cierzo · M
Europe, Asia and South America. No plans of visiting the other four. I would rather go to more places in Asia
jimboberelli · 46-50, M
Wow lived on 4, that impressive firefall. and you have been to antartica?
jimboberelli · 46-50, M
@firefall: Christchurch is nice. I remember the journey up to there from queenstown passing by the cook mountains. Stunning. absolutely gorgeous
firefall · 61-69, M
@jimboberelli: It used to be very pretty. Not so much since the big quakes, I'm told :(
jimboberelli · 46-50, M
I was there when the 12 years ago this year. Just before the last big lot of quakes I believe
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
I have been to five if you count New Zealand as part of Australasia. If not, four (Europe, North America, South America and Asia).
jimboberelli · 46-50, M
It counts, it was always called Oceania when I was growing up as it was named after the tectonic plate it sits on I believe. Though now it always seems referred to as Australasia
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
@jimboberelli: Some still call it Oceania, especially in my native language.
Just one, but hope to see more someday
jimboberelli · 46-50, M
Do it. travel gives you perspective. I grew up in a very small town so to see the world and dissipate my perceived views on things was brilliant
Absolutely been planning to since I was a child, I've been getting further and further away from home since! My heart has always wanted to see everything!
firefall · 61-69, M
3 more to go? what do you count as continents?

North America
South America
South America
HowardP · 80-89, M
six. Don't think I'll make the 7th!

jimboberelli · 46-50, M
You still look like a young pup deleteyourself so plenty of time to visit more.

jimboberelli · 46-50, M
Still young mate. Plenty of time. Though dont wait forever,as soon as you have a family travel becomes more difficult.
