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Mamapolo2016 · F
Just for the record, I traveled for ten months straight, all around the US, by myself - wait for it - visiting people I knew only from the internet almost exclusively. Mostly women or couples, but a couple of men, too, and the only really bad experience was going for a Sunday drive with my beloved older brother. I was as far south as the Florida Keys, north to Boston, west to Denver, southwest to Texas and more south. I looked around about 3/4 of our nation and did not find a serial killer anywhere. Just good decent human beings.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Mamapolo2016 you and I have the same one watching over us .
Though sometimes I do question if He sees me as a child or a fool LOL
I always have my Armor on ,no weapon formed against us shall prosper 🤗
Though sometimes I do question if He sees me as a child or a fool LOL
I always have my Armor on ,no weapon formed against us shall prosper 🤗
Mamapolo2016 · F
@rckt148 My friends and family wanted me committed.
I wouldn't mind travelling alone at all but I feel like it won't be as fun without friends
NorthernRoses · 26-30, F
I prefer travelling with people, but only people interested in the same things I am.
I don't know, travelling alone as a low-key attractive chick sounds sorta terrifying 😅
I don't know, travelling alone as a low-key attractive chick sounds sorta terrifying 😅
ZeroFox · 36-40, M
@NorthernRoses Smart woman.
Peaceful · F
Usually do.
Bluewind · M
Most of the time and love adventures :)
Mamapolo2016 · F
I think traveling alone without someone who wrinkles their nose at the least provocation, is the only way to travel. If I had a companion withthe same curiosity about new places and people, THAT would be better yet. So far, I haven't found them.
OllyCat12 · 31-35, F
No. I’m terrible with directions so I would end up lost somewhere. It wouldn’t be fun to go alone.

i have quite a few times. i would love to travel alone to a cabin in the mountains right now.
Rickg · 31-35, M
Don’t have much choice
Rickg · 31-35, M
Has it’s advantages.
Traveling alone.
And i don’t think I can find ppl too
Traveling alone.
And i don’t think I can find ppl too

sometimes i do. sometimes i don't.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
I have and its no sweat to do it again
Stick on some ZZTop or Eagles ,just like old times
Stick on some ZZTop or Eagles ,just like old times

Nope and nope