PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
I too once had "flying a plane" on my bucket list. On it now are things like, "take a cruise"
"Get published",
"See both the Northern and Southern lights",
"Get a letter in reply from The President",
"Smoke weed with a celebrity",
"Scuba dive"
"Learn the Russian alphabet"
"Travel around the world"
"Get published",
"See both the Northern and Southern lights",
"Get a letter in reply from The President",
"Smoke weed with a celebrity",
"Scuba dive"
"Learn the Russian alphabet"
"Travel around the world"
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
Quute ambitious ☺
TheLoveAge · 36-40, F
I would love to buy some land and build a planetarium and live in it, lol. That or I'll just settle for a simulated night light, haha!
On a serious note, pay off debts, tell my ma to retire, go on several solo travels, possibly become nomadic, and I'm peacn' out in my own place. yay yay! ;o)
On a serious note, pay off debts, tell my ma to retire, go on several solo travels, possibly become nomadic, and I'm peacn' out in my own place. yay yay! ;o)
NateTheQuiet · 31-35, M
Good luck with that! Especially the black hole part xD. I have an extensive list of things that mostly involve lots of traveling that my gf and I have been working on together :)
girlunplugged · 18-21, F
Great list lmiller7. good that you didn't make it a hard one to achieve!
lmiller7 · 26-30, F
Soon enough,they will be asking for people to travel through one 😉.
lmiller7 · 26-30, F
Justhere are you really over 100?
Ynotisay · M
I might try the black hole last.
Good luck.
Good luck.