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ThreeLittleBirds · F
Haha hey did you hear about that guy who paid for a pizza for him and his little family using his bitcoins ? … well turns out those bitcoins are now worth 80 million
He found out about it and said he would do it all again because his family managed to eat that day .. 😏😒😏😒 *coughs lol
He found out about it and said he would do it all again because his family managed to eat that day .. 😏😒😏😒 *coughs lol
DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
@ThreeLittleBirds Yes, I think he was in a very deep rate situation to have done that.
There’s another guy who accidentally threw a hard drive that had bitcoins worth 300 million in it. He’s now spending hours in the city’s landfill to find it.
There’s another guy who accidentally threw a hard drive that had bitcoins worth 300 million in it. He’s now spending hours in the city’s landfill to find it.