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Nutslap · M
Thats a better idea. Who wants to spend their life studying our fucked up laws anyway?
krisyy · 26-30, F
Hilarious! Well I did! but I guess travelling is so much better than being stuck in a classroom eh
Nutslap · M
Ya let me know if you got room for 1 more
krisyy · 26-30, F
@Nutslap: There's always room for one more

cool2030 · 41-45, M
Hi Krisy, traveling the world will show and teach you a lot, particularly if you keep in mind your key question -- how can I be useful to the rest of humanity. We've grown up without realizing the sacrifices that our parents made for us. Now we are ready to learn how we can add positive values to the world by sacrificing a bit ourselves. Be well. :)
krisyy · 26-30, F
Thank you! I did a 9 month backpacking trip around asia when I was 20. I just wanna get back on the road and maybe do a little soul searching
cool2030 · 41-45, M
@krisyy: Wow! Nine months backpacking, that's impressive. You may have seen how people in the legal profession try to make a positive contribution to life, and that way didn't really match your expectations. That's perfectly understandable, given what you've already seen of the world. Now take the mental problem one step further and try think of the kind of help that really could be appreciated and is helpful. It's a tricky equation, and it ultimately depends on what is acceptable to others and how your skill is presented. One thing I have found to be useful: learn to do one thing really well. Then you can teach it to others, and possibly be useful to others with it.
silkandlace · 46-50, M
Godspeed to you, and for having the courage, i think, to do this!
Inthedankshadows · 46-50, M
and always have MsD's as a back up plan!
Hmmm. Where are you off to now?
krisyy · 26-30, F
Heading to Australia prolly after Christmas
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
I like your attitude. Now is the time to figure it out, not 5 years into a legal career.

Maybe you could use your legal background in some other way, such as becoming a private investigator.

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