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About Me

Yato (夜ト) is one of the main characters of the Noragami series. He is a minor god with no shrine dedicated to him. His ultimate dream is to one day build a grand shrine for himself and have at least 1.2 billion followers.

Yato is often very playful and sneaky, doing silly and childish things like buying good luck items obviously a scam, giving Yukine a childish jacket, and others. He is very determined to become more popular as a god, often either placing his cell phone number everywhere or doing a job, however he also sometimes slacks off somewhere. There are also times, however, when Yato appears very serious and mysterious, like when he meets with Nora or other certain situations. Yato can be crude and unpredictable, although it is hinted that he can also be a cruel and merciless person. This is strongly implied by Kofuku, who introduces the rumor that he once killed a Shinki and several humans (according to Daikoku, this happened a long time ago, where the rule was "kill or be killed."). These actions might have been motivated by his need to at least exist in people's memories. He answers people's prayers and demands money in return for his help (5 yen, the amount that is traditionally placed in a shrine before praying). He graffitis his cellphone number in various places, but it only appears to people in desperate need of his aid.

Yato is seen to have a very low tolerance for weak spirited people and if they want to commit suicide he has little motivation to help them, which usually causes those around him to become irritated. Yato also appears very materialistic when it comes to money, when Hiyori mentions her job request he claims he'll definitely do it because he intends to keep her money and holds his bottle full of coins.

Yato will often indulge in fantasies of himself being a very successful god with more followers than any other god and lots of shrine maidens at his fingertips. Despite his aloof and often idiotic personality, Yato as a god is seen to be quite wise and very serious when the situations requires it.

It is shown that in the past, when he was more like a god of calamity (magatsukami) than he is now, he seems to have a much more serious, merciless and cruel personality. According to Rabō, he also used to be much stronger in the past. The reason for Yato's sudden change of personality is still unknown.