Someone's screaming my name?I'm the day, I'm the day, I can show you the way LOOK! I'm right beside you. (1)
Kaboom-Kaboom?I like a big car, 'cause I'm a big star I make a big rock and roll hit I'd like to love you, but my heart is a sore I am, I am, I am so yours (1)
Am I Delusional?Can we not all find people who feel like we do? Is that not the point of this site? (1)
I Have Something to SayYou are not your trauma. It does not define you as a person, and it is not your fault.
Am I the only one annoyed by the fact that...we can't just click a button that says "ALL" when we sign up for an account and we're asked what categories we want to be able to see? I hate censorship. I want to see it all, whether I agree with it or not, whether I'm technically interested or not.... See More »