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So for the last... oh, I don't know... year maybe? I've been working 18 to 20 hours of overtime a week. The last week I've found myself sitting at my desk at work, and just staring off into space. It's not that I'm not getting my work done, but it's like, I'll work for a few hours, or during the job I tend to just about come to a halt, maybe for a minute, maybe less, then start moving again.

Do you think it's all the overtime I've been working, the job is burning me out, or a little of both? I have to look at prints to be able to build the jobs I work on, so it's not a physically demanding job. More mentally demanding if anything.

I'm thinking it's probably just all the overtime I've been working. So I took an extra day off for tomorrow, and hope I can recoop.
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ninalanyon · 61-69, T
There are good reasons for forbidding that amount of overtime! Burnout and exhaustion seem to me to be a likely result. Not to mention lack of time for family, recreation, etc., and greater risk of accidents due to tiredness.

Here in Norway your working hours would be illegal. See https://www.arbeidstilsynet.no/en/working-conditions/working-hours/

Agreement between the employee and the employer:
For a period of up to one year, working hours may be distributed as follows:

10 hours per 24 hours
48 hours per 7 days

The limit of 48 hours per seven days may be calculated according to a fixed average over a period of eight weeks provided. But normal working hours shall not exceed 50 hours in a week.
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
Information overload, is my first thought.
twiigss · M
@checkoutanytime That's kind of what I am thinking too. I tried years ago to do some C++ programming, and sort of the same thing happened to me.
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
@twiigss sounds like a big project you are working on. I can only imagine all the info you are ingesting daily. To me it makes sense, a moment of getting lost in over lapping thoughts would be a semi-unexpected pause.
twiigss · M
@checkoutanytime It can be a lot of information, such as knowing what the lengths are, or what part of the job gets X and what part gets Y. Some jobs are more detailed than others, or might need more steps to get through inspection. But I hope my 1 day break from work will help with whatever is going on.
666Maggotz · F
Sleep deprivation or being overworked has already been observed to cause temporary psychosis (or burn out).
Randie · 61-69, T
We all need time for ourselves or you burnout.

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