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Does this make sense?

I walked to my local supermarket this morning which is about a block from where I live. The parking lot of the supermarket has EV charging stations, (about 8 of them,) set up in one row of parking spaces.
As I walked by, I noticed one of the cars that was charging was running, with full AC on, while the driver was sitting in the car.
Seems to me, you're defeating the purpose of charging if you're sitting in the vehicle while it's running and still have the AC on.
Any thoughts from anyone?
Northwest · M
Typically, people who own EVs, have a charging station at home, so these stations are set up in locations close or somewhat close to freeways or major roads.

EV Charging companies try to set them up next to supermarkets, to allow people who want to charge for a longer trip to go in, use the restroom, buy a snack, get a drink, etc.

It can take about an hour to get to 80%, if you're running really low.

In the meanwhile, what do you do with the 45 remaining minutes?

My EV has Youtube, and several streaming applications. If it's hot out, which I assume is the case today, you will sit in your car. You need the AC and no, it doesn't take a lot of power to cool the car as you wait. The EV AC is an order of magnitude more efficient than a home AC, and in addition, the volume of air you're cooling is miniscule.

Sorry, but you did not discover the fatal flaw in the EV industry.
IM5688 · 61-69, M
@Northwest I really wasn't looking for a flaw. It just seemed to make sense to me that you are draining your power as you charge it. Thanks for your explanation though.
Northwest · M
@IM5688 The circuit is also cooling the battery cells as it’s charging. And the car AC is not draining the battery as it’s charging.
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