Fortunately consumer electronics continue to be a terrible investment.
Don't ever invest in computers, Sure, buy one, but consider the cost sunk, you might be using one to do business like me, but still consider the cost sunk.
I'm not kidding. If you want to make money off the industry invest in the companies that make the damn parts don't invest in the parts themselves.
Why? Because by the time you even take even one of it's components off the shelf to build it yourself it'll be down in price by the very next day <-not necessarily literally, but you know give it 2 months at most.
I'm not kidding. If you want to make money off the industry invest in the companies that make the damn parts don't invest in the parts themselves.
Why? Because by the time you even take even one of it's components off the shelf to build it yourself it'll be down in price by the very next day <-not necessarily literally, but you know give it 2 months at most.