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Penny · 46-50, F
yes it will delete you rmessenger as well but you might be able to sign up for messenger seperate again? im not sur ebut i went to try and delete my FB once and it said it would delete my messenger too so I didnt do it
Beebo · M
With facebook constantly making their changes, our answers may not be too accurate. I deleted my facebook two years ago, but it let me keep the messenger. It also let me keep the marketplace. A year or more goes by, I could no longer use the marketplace unless I had an account. Eventually I gave up on the messenger.
However tho .. Facebook allows you two options. You can either deactivate your account, or delete it all together. But if you delete it all together, it'll take 30 days without signing on, and everything you had from photos, friends, etc, will be wiped clean. Deactivation will not wipe everything clean.
However tho .. Facebook allows you two options. You can either deactivate your account, or delete it all together. But if you delete it all together, it'll take 30 days without signing on, and everything you had from photos, friends, etc, will be wiped clean. Deactivation will not wipe everything clean.
redredred · M
I never really participated but one of my kids opened one in my name. I deleted it but it took a month, Facistbook requires something like a month-long abstention from any access or use to finalize your request.
IWasCallingYaLarry · 26-30, M
Not unless you select to get rid of Messenger, as well. Because you can still keep Facebook Messenger if you delete your Facebook.
Confined · 56-60, M
I dumped my fake book 1.5 yeas ago. Can not support the criminal who owns it any longer.
iamelijah · 26-30, M
Yes. It disappeared all.