ArishMell · 70-79, M
Whatever "meth" is.
Germany didn't. The Nazi regime of Germany at the time, did.
It used a powerful rodenticide / insecticide trade-named "Zyklon B"; whose active ingredient in contact with water released hydrogen cyanide, which interferes with respiration.
The original version, invented in California in the 1880s, was used for example, for fumigating polluted clothes, ships' holds and the like.
The Nazis' extermination-camp gas-chambers were disguised as communal showers, and the gas was administered through the shower-heads.
Earlier they had been using at small, local scales, engine exhaust gas rich in the very poisonous carbon-monoxide. (It usurps the oxygen in binding to the haemoglobin.)
That and individual shooting... until the High Command realised it was having deleterious psychological effects on the soldier "executioners".
Whatever "meth" is.
Germany didn't. The Nazi regime of Germany at the time, did.
It used a powerful rodenticide / insecticide trade-named "Zyklon B"; whose active ingredient in contact with water released hydrogen cyanide, which interferes with respiration.
The original version, invented in California in the 1880s, was used for example, for fumigating polluted clothes, ships' holds and the like.
The Nazis' extermination-camp gas-chambers were disguised as communal showers, and the gas was administered through the shower-heads.
Earlier they had been using at small, local scales, engine exhaust gas rich in the very poisonous carbon-monoxide. (It usurps the oxygen in binding to the haemoglobin.)
That and individual shooting... until the High Command realised it was having deleterious psychological effects on the soldier "executioners".
BigBulge · 46-50, M
They used Zyklon B, which was hydrogen cyanide (prussic acid)
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theAlchemist · 56-60, M
They used Zyklon B.
malaki11 · 31-35, M
No, Nazi Germany used something called zyklon-b in the gas chambers or exhaust fumes in gas vans. In Eastern Europe they mainly used bullets and hid the evidence ie bodies in mass graves. My paternal grandfather was spared this horrible fate like most Soviet Jews b/c as a young child he was deported along with his mother from Gomel in Belarus to Siberia deep in present day Russia in 1941. His father was not sent east with the family and is believed to have perished and been buried in Belarus sometime between 1942-1943.
DrawntoaDistance · M
Nah but the soldiers used a whole bunch of meth on the battlefield