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How to move on?

Dear: SW

First of all I would like to say thank you to all of you. You all are very helpful especially when I am at crossroads.

I live in a really weird household. My mother does absolutely nothing other than have a job. I mean all she does is do her job and no offense to her that really isn't much to be proud of because she does nothing else but that and it isn't like she doesn't have time to do much else. She has so much time to spend with me and my sister or to at least do some actual work for our family but she would rather sleep and snuggle with my pooch.

My dad has a job and so much more. My mom throws way to much on his shoulders. If there is one way to describe my parents it is a reversal of the middle the TV show. My mom does very little while my dad does almost everything.

As a result of this all though I don't think I have much evidence to prove this I literally have no friends because I literally don't know how to make them or at least hang out with them because I can't go anywhere because I can't drive without them. I also blame my autism on them because of that as well. It has been years since I have had a friend to hangout with and it's been even longer since I have done anything incredibly noteworthy in my life with a friend or my parents.

Also because of my autism I am 18 and won't be leaving my house within the next five years or so. I struggle with my autism so I have loads of trouble finding things to do so I don't get depressed or stop taking care of myself because I am so depressed and don't know how to take care of myself. Like I said earlier I personally believe it is my parents that resulted in my autism and staying with them for as long as I will won't contribute much to my mental disability.

On top of that I am struggling getting treated as an adult in my household. No offense to my family they act like I don't know what I am doing and don't let me do stuff I want to do. Like one time I wanted to build a tesla coil. So I asked my parents to review my plan to build a tesla coil. I told them I would build the tesla coil by building a smaller one, a coil that is not even close to being capable of killing me, and then once when I gained the skill to use that safely I would move on to larger coils. They said no because tesla coils according to them would only be used to hurt myself and nothing more so they said no. Then I asked if I could get my gun license so one of my friends at this 3D printing place could show me how to 3D print guns on my current 3D printer. They said no because according to them guns should be against the law. There's more and I feel like I am going no where the more I stay here.

What would you guys do? Any ideas for what I should do to solve this problem? Thanks!!!

From: Fluffy

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