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Did Trump lose the popular vote in the election?

Poll - Total Votes: 13
Learn to accept alternate facts, Liberal
Donald is suffering from a condition, let him go.
Donald is serious. You can have 5 million fraudulent votes and he has a mandate.
We should do elections by popular vote and trust the results.
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Breaking news!
Trump claims that 3 to 5 million votes were fraudulent and that he actually didn't lose
the popular vote
"The hits keep coming"
Does Donald feel that he
needs this to justify a mandate.
He lost bigly but most important, the country lost Yuge!!
@MonarchButter: math butter ... math... you can not say majority ... neither candidate received 50% of the votes of Americans ... way over 100 million did not vote.

Unless you have skills that devine what those people are thinking ... ya just can not say majority.

As to fluke ... it was no fluke, the electoral aystem worked PRECISELY as designed.

It worked really good.

The American presidential election rules were built to to achieve/prevent a few things.

The founders, from smaller colonies, did not like the idea that population in large cities like Boston, NY and Philly or larger states could, via popular vote, control the presidential selection.

Before those states joined, they had to have the assurance that large population centers would not have undue influence.

Then came the regional issue.

Then came the worry that the English might immigrate to the cities and retake the young US.

They carefully debated ... then agreed on the state vote distribution.

In 2016, it worked perfectly ... it prevented the dense urban centers, like LA and Cali, from exerting undue influence.

Mathematically, the system favors voters that are well distributed ... over dense co-located voters.

In 2020, the disparity enlarges. 8 more votes move from blue states to red states... Texas picks up 3.

And there cannot be a majority for either party ... even if they had 50% ... for, to have a majority ... both parties must be normally distributed ... and there must be respect.

We have neither condition.

There are two times this has occurred ... in 1860 and 2016
Lol 3 million Weav, 3 million. Say it with me "3 million". It's ok if it stings a little...😂

LOL ... yep, here you go ...

306 electoral votes
30 states
2,800 counties
The supreme court
The house of representatives
The senate
33 governors
68 state legislatures
32 states with both houses
17 states veto proof majorities vs 4 tiny states
42 state dominance by legislature or governorship
The ablity to pass constititional amendments -38 states
State legislature dominance not seen since the Civil War
Democrat control of only 16% of the population, at state level, 10% at county level

It is good to be me!
Repeat after me ... the 2016 election resulted in the largest transfer of political power since 1922.
Pfuzylogic · M
@questionWeaver: I liked Obama's version of Chess better!
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
@questionWeaver: This is all true. We just may differ on what the end game is for Comrade Trump. He is going to throw cultural red meat at the base for awhile.
Pfuzylogic · M
@luckranger71: Trump is not a Comrade. If his loyalty is to Russia; he might find himself serving more than four years, behind Federal bars!
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
I think deep down he doesn't care how much he lost the popular vote by. Just another war with the free press to distract from the gobs of money his non-divested companies will gain from the Presidency. The world's biggest reality con rolls along.
Lizabee · F
He's extremely mentally sick
Goralski · 51-55, M
@Pfuzylogic: shit she was senator from early 2000 and two 4 year terms or is it two years that always gets me mixed up haaaa
Pfuzylogic · M
@Goralski: 2000 was W all the way with his friend "chad" sneaking in 😂
I do remember Clinton B not opposing Nafta but I am certain it was a Republican thing. Donald was just able to pin it on Hillary! Actually I think Bush 41 pushed it first because in the Texas dual between him and Perot and Perot made the comment "NAFTA causing the sucking noise created by all off the jobs leaving the US." 😂😂 Now that was an election!
Lizabee · F
@Goralski: You do understand that senators to like one hundredth of a job. Votes count only
Ysa9257 · 22-25, F
It doesn't even matter because the popular vote has no legal power.
Pfuzylogic · M
Tell Trump that!
He needs to make a fiction to feel right.
Who's in the White House right now? It sure isn't the Hildebeast. 😆
Pfuzylogic · M
He should let it go and understand that most of the people don't like him. I think Donald has needs of approval.
Goralski · 51-55, M
IN One day no tpp and government hiring freeze more than Obama has done in eight years
Goralski · 51-55, M
@Pfuzylogic: Reagan was d biggest tax raiser up to that point in history and a union buster. ..not an fan
Pfuzylogic · M
@Goralski: We are on the same page, personally what he did to the ATC Controllers showed how vicious he could get. He was the President of the Actors Union. I am sure I am preaching to the choir here.
Lizabee · F
And where does the "freeze" affect people?
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Pfuzylogic · M
@istillmissep @questionweaver
Isn't it sad mad it an issue?
The dude is as psycho as Reagan.
Now he wants a voter ID card.
Have we ever had a president so anal retentive?
If we did a recount though .....
How stupid can donald get?
Some states might turn in their electoral college.

He assumed these miscounted votes would go his way.

He needs to take your input and
Voter ID card 😂😂😂😂😂
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Pfuzylogic · M
@IstillmissEP: Your graphic should be shown to the donald. He is the one crying from his self inflicted wound.
I doubt if he will get real evidence.
It just isn't his style.
Pfuzylogic · M
That answer seems to be quite a reach!
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Pfuzylogic · M
I do remember "chad" that worked in W's favor. Do you know something about this story. Was there a HUGE case of fraud in Cirginia that is not "alternate factually" based? Fiction is starting to become way too common now.

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