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Kind Of..... [I Enjoy Watching the Olympics]

...but fairly worried about the whole Japan, increased levels of covid infection and the athletes...

Of course, financially, the whole implications of postponing it again would possibly be astronomical, but I am more thinking about the athletes themselves.

There's obviously the whole thing about them getting ill, which is bad enough, but from a watcher's perspective, there could be the actual case of top athletes winning their heats, testing positive, and, like, the 3rd/4th/5th place individual getting through and possibly winning the final !

Would that be good for sport? I doubt it.

So....I worry.....but hope it goes ahead.

Sarah 💋
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
They'll stay isolated and probably won't get sick as they'll have been vaccinated.
Its not just the athletes though

What about the coaching staff, medics, physios, chefs....the whole entourage that goes with the athlete.
The staff needed at the Olympic village.
Then at the event, the world press, the officials, umpires, judges.

It just seems so crazy
SarahTheHooker · 26-30, F
@InOtterWords Very true, of course, but I am more thinking from the viewer's perspective...

The whole of Team GB goes down, for example, and that screws up everyone's hopes for the next few years...

But yes, everyone involved....logistic nightmare!

Sarah 💋

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