Tminus6453 · M
They got a 15 rating yesterday compared to only usually getting a 7 rating in the past.....I only care who my team picks and this year they have made some of the worst mistakes that i can remember when it comes to immediate needs for the team
redredred · M
But seriously, couldnt you just read from a list?@Tminus6453
Tminus6453 · M
@redredred They got a 15 rating yesterday compared to usually only getting a 7 rating, so it appears many out there watched it...i like watching because its related to NFL football
Sicarium · 46-50, M
Nobody's forcing you to watch it.
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
I don't follow the NFL, so I don't watch it. Why don't you just choose not to watch? There are plenty of other things on.
jackson55 · M
It’s a change from the virus and racism on parade.
plaguewatcher · M
i value the ass of a rat far higher thanks