OrangeTheory - intense workout. Otherwise elliptical or treadmill or walking. If I feel ambitious, I will do weights.
Echoing · 61-69, F
I hike the woods everyday. We live in the mountains so my hikes are never on level ground... keeps my legs and lungs/heart strong.
Mysteriousliaisons · 56-60, M
Hiking 👍. The secenery makes it so enjoyable
Rambler · 61-69, M
Walking. Nature’s simplest answer.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
Prior to my dad giving it away, i loved my ab lounger. Could do 50 'situps' without stopping. Had a 4 pack. I need to go get one. Considering that I'd use it often.
Walked on a track yesterday
Walked on a track yesterday
Graciebaby · F
I swim in an open air unheated pool twice a week and attend Karate lessons 3 times a week.
Oh and I do a bit of cycling.
Estrogen can pack on a few pounds if I let it,lol
Oh and I do a bit of cycling.
Estrogen can pack on a few pounds if I let it,lol
RemovedUsername4422 · 61-69, M
Weight classes....and spinning classes....I can never work out hard enough on my own!

Cycling,walking and swimming..sometimes some Yoga
Rokasu · 36-40, M
After work. Randomly through the day.
Try Jazzercise.
I also run
I also run
Elisbch · M
I run